Tasks and scaffolding for a library project
Grunt Library Builder
Grunt Library Builder is a Node plugin which provides initial project scaffolding and common build tasks for creating JavaScript libraries. The plugin requires Grunt to be installed on the local system in order to build.
There are a couple of tools that you'll need to install before we can create our project. Please make sure the following items are available on your machine:
Getting Started
1. Create Project
Start by creating an empty project folder and changing the working directory to that folder.
mkdir MyProject && cd MyProject
2. Install Plugin
The installation of the plugin requires installing Grunt first and then the plugin. This will create an empty project template structure which you can start to customize.
npm install grunt grunt-library-builder
3. Change Project Information
Edit the build.json file to update the project name, output file name, URL, description and list of files.
Adding Dependencies
Grunt Library Builder is designed to easily include define dependencies for your library.
Modify the bower.json file to include additional libraries into your project. For more information about using Bower please visit the website. For instance, if you wanted to include CreateJS, bower.json might look like this. Note that the version and main fields are updated automatically from the build.json, no need to change these manually.
"name": "MyLibrary",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "dist/my-library.min.js",
"dependencies": {
"jquery" : "~1",
"normalize-css" : "*",
"EaselJS" : "*",
"TweenJS" : "*",
"PreloadJS" : "*",
"SoundJS" : "*"
Then, update build.json to list the files you'd like to include from the libraries.
"name" : "MyLibrary",
"version" : "1.0.0",
"description": "My library does this",
"output" : "my-library"
"main" : [
Grunt Tasks
These are the list of grunt tasks for building the project.
Task | Description ---|--- default | Builds the minified and combined versions of the library build | Release build of the library build-dev | Build the combined version of the library dev | This watches source files and auto-rebuilds whenever there's a change clean-all | Delete all generated build files and delete components directory docs | Generate the documentation (recommended theme CloudKidTheme docs-live | Generate the documentation and commit it to gh-pages branch of this the current Git repository sync-version | Automatically updates the version and main fields in bower.json
Build File
The build.json file contains the list of all required JavaScript files in order to build the project. Below describes the different fields of this file.
Property | Type | Description
name | string | The name of the project or game
version | string | The semantic versioning number
description | string | Used for generating the documentation
output | string | The base output file name for the library
url | string | The URL homepage for the library, used by the documentation
main | array | The list of files to use to build the library. Note: the order of the files is how the output is built.
mainDebug (optional) | array | The same as main
except that this file list is only used when building in dev
Conditional Compiling
The main JavaScript source building supports conditional compiling with global constants. These constants can be use to specify an inline block of code that should be use for development or release builds of the library. The booleans DEBUG
are supported.
if (DEBUG)
// This code is only visible when built using the 'dev' task
alert('Debug code here!');
// This code is only visible when built using the 'default' task
Project Structure
Structure | Description --- | --- ./dist/ | Contains the distribution builds of the library ./node_modules/ | The Node plugins required for the build process; this directory should be ignored by the versioning system ./src/ | The source JavaScript needed to build the library ./bower.json | The list of Bower dependencies ./build.json | See above, the list of source files to build and meta information about the project ./Gruntfile.js | Contains the Grunt automation tasks ./package.json | The list of Node dependencies
Plugin Options
The Grunt Library Builder plugin can accept additional options. Here's an example to add additional arguments:
module.exports = function(grunt)
var config = require('grunt-library-builder')(grunt, {
autoInit : false
A boolean defaults to true. If grunt.initConfig() is automatically called.
string defaults to "../CloudKidTheme" The path to the YUI docs theme.
string defaults to "docs" The path to the docs output folder.
string defaults to "src" The path to the source file for documentation.
boolean defaults to false Generate sourcemaps for the built libraries.