Inline file importer with @import command.
Inline file importer with @import command.
Syntax - add @import "path/to/file";
into any of your files to get it imported/injected into that placeholder.
Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-import --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
Importer task
Run this task with the grunt import
Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the Grunt Configuring tasks guide.
Type: String
Default: empty string
This string will be prepended to the beginning of the output. It is processed using [grunt.template.process][], using the default options.
(Default processing options are explained in the [grunt.template.process][] documentation)
Type: String
Default: empty string
This string will be appended to the end of the output. It is processed using [grunt.template.process][], using the default options.
(Default processing options are explained in the [grunt.template.process][] documentation)
Type: Boolean
Default: false
If true, any whitespace preceding the @import statement will be preserved and the all of the imported content will be automatically indented.
Usage Examples
To include a file into another file add @import "path/to/another/file";
at any point inside your importing/source file.
Including external libs
In this example, running grunt import:dist
(or grunt import
because grunt-import
is a [multi task][multitask]) will parse src/intro.js
file writing the output to dist/intro.js
// Project configuration.
import: {
options: {},
dist: {
src: 'src/intro.js',
dest: 'dist/intro.js',
In this example, running grunt import:dist
will parse build/foo.js
and write dist/foo.js
, and parse build/bar.js
and write dist/bar.js
// Project configuration.
import: {
dist: {
files: {
'dist/foo.js': 'src/foo.js',
'dist/bar.js': 'src/bar.js',
Running Importer with Uglify after import
In this example, running grunt watch:js
will parse src/intro.js
file writing the output to stage/intro.js
and followup with the Uglify task writing output into dist/intro.js
// Project configuration.
import: {
options: {},
dist: {
src: 'src/intro.js',
dest: 'stage/intro.js',
tasks: ['uglify:dist']
uglify: {
dist: {
src: 'stage/intro.js',
dest: 'dist/intro.js',
Running Importer with Watch and Uglify after file changed
In this example, running grunt watch:js
will listen to any changes to the src/intro.js
after which it will run import:dist
task followed by uglify:dist
// Project configuration.
watch: {
js: {
files: ['src/intro.js'],
tasks: ['import:dist']
import: {
options: {},
dist: {
src: 'src/intro.js',
dest: 'stage/intro.js',
tasks: ['uglify:dist']
uglify: {
dist: {
src: 'stage/intro.js',
dest: 'dist/intro.js',
Running Importer on a directory
In this example any .js file in src/
will be parsed and outputted to dist/
// Project configuration.
import: {
options: {},
dist: {
expand: true,
cwd: 'src/',
src: '*.js',
dest: 'dist/',
ext: '.js'
Intercepting events
You can listen to import events emitted by grunt.import
grunt.event.on('import', function(action, filepath, target) {
//your code