A Grunt task to deal with the gettext format file and the markdown documents
A Grunt task to deal with the gettext format file and the markdown document
Getting Started
If you haven't used grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide.
From the same directory as your project's Gruntfile and package.json, install this plugin with the following command:
npm install grunt-gettext-markdown --save-dev
Once that's done, add this line to your project's Gruntfile:
If the plugin has been installed correctly, running grunt --help
at the command line should list the newly-installed plugin's task or tasks. In addition, the plugin should be listed in package.json as a devDependency
, which ensures that it will be installed whenever the npm install
command is run.
The "gettext-markdown" task
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named gettext-markdown
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
'gettext-markdown': {
your_target: {
// Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.
This plugin behaves differently against the target. the available target is:
This target will generates a POT file against the markdown documents.
This target will generates a localized markdown documents against PO files. if containing non-translated entries, the original strings will be simply used.
Type: String
Default value: undefined
Only take effects on po2md
target. the place to the source directory of the original markdown. if not specified, the full path of the reference comment in PO will be used.
Type: Boolean
Default value: undefined
Only take effects on 'po2md' target. try to validate if the po2md functionality will generate the markdown that has the same structure, before writing the localized markdown. This will takes some extra cost at the runtime but would be safe to write the correct data.
Type: String
Default value: undefined
Only take effects on po2md
target. the base_path will be suppressed from path parameter.
Usage Examples
Generating POT file from markdown
In this example, all of strings as a value in 'test/fixtures/*.md' will be put into 'test/fixtures/po/test.pot' as msgids.
'gettext-markdown': {
md2pot: {
files: [
{src: 'test/fixtures/*.md', dest: 'test/fixtures/po/test.pot'}
Generating localized markdown from POs
In this example, translated entries in test/fixtures/po/*.po
will replaces the original one and stored as test/fixtures/lang/
. if srcdir
as options is specified, it will be refered no matter what POs has as a reference. __name__
in dest
will be replaced to the original basename. __lang__
will be the language in PO.
'gettext-markdown': {
po2md: {
options: {
srcdir: 'test/fixtures'
files: [
{src: 'test/fixtures/po/*.po', dest: 'test/fixtures/lang/'}
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.
Copyright (c) 2016 Akira TAGOH Licensed under the MIT license.
Project created by Akira TAGOH.