Precompile Handlebars templates to JST file.
grunt-flex-handlebars v0.2.0
Precompile Handlebars templates to JST file.
Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-flex-handlebars --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
This plugin was designed to work with Grunt 0.4.x. If you're still using grunt v0.3.x it's strongly recommended that you upgrade, but in case you can't please use v0.3.3.
Why is this tool different from other handlebars compiler?
This uses Handlebars to precompile Handlebars templates. O_o o_O
Fundamentally, the grunt-contrib-handlebars was flawed because any new option would need to be added to the code. Not only would this continue to increase the code complexity, but it would mean that users are left to wait until a certain option was added to the main plugin. In the end, the user may need to compile their own version just to add missing functionality.
This tool tries to eradicate the need to continually upgrade the tool when a new option is needed by controlling the precompiled output by using Handlebar templates. This tool precompiles the templates, then passes on the neccessary values to a template to create the precompiled file.
Handlebars task
Run this task with the grunt handlebars
Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.
Type: String
Default: linefeed + linefeed
Concatenated files will be joined on this string. Same value as Node.JS os.EOL value.
Type: Regular Express
Default: /^.+\/helper[-\\\/](.+)\.(hbs|handlebars|js)/i
This pattern categorizes files based on the file paths provides in the files
grunt config. Any file matching this pattern will be assumed to be a helper.
The default helper-helper-name
helper function will use the (.+)
value as the precompiled helper's name.
Type: Regular Express
Default: /^.+\/partial[-\\\/](.+)\.(hbs|handlebars|js)/i
The default helper-partial-name
helper function will use the (.+)
value as the precompiled partial's name.
Type: Regular Express
Default: /^.+\/template[-\\\/](.+)\.(hbs|handlebars|js|html)/i
The default helper-template-name
helper function will use the (.+)
value as the precompiled template's name.
Type: Function
Default: 1st captured value defined in the helperPattern
Defines the helper name.
Type: Function
Default: 1st captured value defined in the partialPattern
Defines the partial name.
Type: Function
Default: 1st captured value defined in the templatePattern
Defines the template name.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Defines whether to treat all template files as partials.
Type: String
Default: task/lib/template/helper.js
Handlebars template that will render the helpers.
Helper Reserved Variables:
* helper
* filepath
* opts
Here is the default helper template:
Handlebars.registerHelper("{{helper-helper-name filepath}}", {{{helper}}});
Type: String
Default: task/lib/template/partial.js
Handlebars template that will render the partials.
Partial Reserved Variables:
* name
* opts
Here is the default partial template:
Handlebars.registerPartial("{{helper-partial-name name}}", this["{{opts.namespace}}"]["{{name}}"]);
Type: String
Default: task/lib/template/template.js
Handlebars template that will render the templates.
Template Reserved Variables:
* template
* filepath
* opts
Here is the default template template:
this["{{opts.namespace}}"]["{{helper-template-name filepath}}"] = Handlebars.template({{{template}}});
Type: String
Default: task/lib/template/wrapper.js
Handlebars template that will render the wrapper.
Wrapper Reserved Variables:
* helpers
* templates
* partials
* opts
Here is the default wrapper template:
if (!this["{{opts.namespace}}"]) { this["{{opts.namespace}}"] = {}; }
// START helpers
{{#each helpers}}
// END helpers
// START templates
{{#each templates}}
// END templates
// START partials
{{#each partials}}
// END partials
Type: Object
are options that will help precompile the Handlebars template. These are user defined variables that will be passed onto the templating. As such, there are no official recognized values.
Default template attribute:
* namespace
Release History
- 2014-04-16 v0.2.1 Added
option. - 2014-01-28 v0.2.0 Refactored the code to be more modular.
- 2014-01-28 v0.1.3 Added support for better file handling.
- 2013-12-02 v0.1.1 Fixed letter-case for Handlebars library.
- 2013-11-28 v0.1.0 Bumped version to indicate public release.
- 2013-11-27 v0.0.6 Fixed external partial support.
- 2013-11-26 v0.0.4 Fixed support for the external templates.
- 2013-11-26 v0.0.3 Added partial and helper support.
- 2013-11-26 v0.0.2 First stable code to create templates.
- 2013-11-21 v0.0.1 Refactored from grunt-contrib-handlebars into individual repo.
Original Source
Author: Tim Branyen
Source for the original code can be found at