Grunt plugin for essimpledoc
Grunt plugin for ESSimpleDoc.
You may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-essimpledoc --save-dev
What to do in your Gruntfile.js
In your Gruntfile.js, add a section named essimpledoc to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
essimpledoc: {
options : {
src : './src',
dest : './techDoc',
validate : true,
noFiles : false,
launch : true,
noSourcesColor : false
You have also to load the plugin ;
And finally, register a task that load essimpledoc
grunt.registerTask( 'esd', [ 'essimpledoc' ] );
About the options
- src : It's the directory where the source files are.
- dest : Its the directory where the documentation will be placed. Be sure this directory don't contains any file. The complete directory will be deleted when ESSimpleDoc start.
- validate : a validation of the documentation will be performed when true.
- noFiles : the HTML files are not generated when true.
- launch : your browser will be started and the index.html page of the documentation will be opened when true
- noSourcesColor : syntax colors and links to the classes and variables will not be added to the documentation when true.
Notice: src and dest options are mandatory and the the directories must exists before you lauchn ESSimpleDoc. Others options are not mandatory and set to false when missing.
See more explanations on the options on the ESSimpleDoc page.
Multiple configurations
You can also have multiple configurations :
essimpledoc: {
debug : {
options : {
src : './src',
dest : './techDoc',
noSourcesColor : true,
validate : true,
noFiles : true,
launch : false
release : {
options : {
src : './src',
dest : './techDoc',
validate : true,
noFiles : false,
launch : true
And then multiple tasks :
grunt.registerTask( 'esdDebug', [ 'essimpledoc:debug' ] );
grunt.registerTask( 'esdRelease', [ 'essimpledoc:release' ] );