Use grunt to control Perl's Dancer server, and live-reload with grunt-contrib-watch
Use grunt to control your Perl Dancer's development server, and live-reload with grunt-contrib-watch!
The "dancer" task
####dancer:start (the default dancer task) Launches the server and leaves it running even when the parent process is no longer running.
####dancer:stop --or-- dancer:kill Terminates an already running server.
The dancer
task should be configured with the following options:
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| -----| ---- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------|
| pidFile | string
| '/tmp/'
| Path to the pid file. (REQUIRED) |
| debug | boolean
| false
| Extra logging output (OPTIONAL) |
| args | array
| []
| Additional arguments to add to the dancer command, supplied as an array of strings. (OPTIONAL) |
Getting Started
In the shell...
npm install grunt-dancer
Load it by adding this to Gruntfile.js:
Then add dancer
to the taskList object passed into grunt.registerTask
in Gruntfile.js.
grunt.registerTask('default', [
##Running tests To run the test suite, first invoke the following command within the repo, installing the development dependencies:
$ npm install
Then run the tests:
$ mocha test/test.js
##With grunt-contrib-watch:
You can use this plugin with watch. This is awesome because it enables you to live-reload the dancer server when you make changes to server files (or really, any files that you specify). Here's an example of my watch config:
watch: {
dancer: {
options: {
spawn : false, // IMPORTANT. will not work without this setting.
files: [
tasks: ['dancer']
grunt.registerTask('default', ['dancer', 'watch']);
The dancer task knows if watch is running, and on interrupt will kill the dancer server along with it.