Used to switch between previously defined HTML and JS comment blocks in project files to change based on specified parameters.
Used to switch between previously defined HTML and JS comment blocks in project files to change based on specified parameters.
Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-code-switch --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
The "code_switch" task
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named code_switch
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
code_switch: {
options: {
environment: grunt.option('env') || 'dev',
env_char: '#',
blocks: [{
code_tag: 'env:dev',
grunt_option: 'dev'
}, {
code_tag: 'env:prod',
grunt_option: 'prod'
files: {
'app/utils/appConfig.js': 'app/utils/appConfig.js',
'index.html': 'index.html'
In your appConfig.js file add a dev and prod switch blocks
/* env:dev */
var webServerUrl = "";
/* env:dev:end */
/* env:prod *#/
var webServerUrl = "";
/* env:prod:end */
In your index.html file add the dev and prod switch blocks
<!-- env:dev -->
<div> DEV version </div>
<!-- env:dev:end -->
<!-- env:prod --#>
<div> PROD version </div>
<!-- env:prod:end -->
Run the grunt command for development
grunt code_switch --env=dev
Run the grunt command for production
grunt code_switch --env=prod
Type: String
A string value that specifies the allowable parameters to pass to make the code switch.
Type: String
Default value: #
A single symbol that is added to code for enabling or disabling code blocks.
Type: Array
A array block defining the possible switches. It contains 'code_tag' and its corresponding 'grunt_option'
Type: Array
A array of files to include which contains the code switching blocks
##Example I use the following setup in my development environment
In the grunt file
code_switch: {
start: {
options: {
environment: 'prod',
env_char: '#',
blocks: [{
code_tag: 'env:dev',
grunt_option: 'dev'
}, {
code_tag: 'env:prod',
grunt_option: 'prod'
files: {
'app/scripts/config.js': 'app/scripts/config.js'
end: {
options: {
environment: 'dev',
env_char: '#',
blocks: [{
code_tag: 'env:dev',
grunt_option: 'dev'
}, {
code_tag: 'env:prod',
grunt_option: 'prod'
files: {
'app/scripts/config.js': 'app/scripts/config.js'
grunt.registerTask('build', [
'...tasks for generating production build...',
This will switch the build to production only during creation of build and on completion, it will switch back to development.
Release History
0.1.0 Initial Release