Grunt task to copy html assets to azure blob/cdn storage
A Grunt task for copying html assets to azure blob/cdn storage.
Install npm package next to your projects gruntfile.js file
npm install grunt-azure-blob
Add this line to your projects Gruntfile.js
Environment Requirment
- The Azure SDK provides a Node.js package for access to the Azure Table Storage. By default, this library uses the following environment variables for authentication (set as required as global, user, or with a task). I've had great success with grunt-env to manage the these settings as a task (sample usage shown below). These environment variables must be set to your appropriate values!
AzureBlob Options and default values
grunt-azureblob is a multi task that implicity iterates over all of the named sub-properties (targets). In addition to the default properties , task specific properties are also available inside each task function. Options are essentially globally available (across tasks), but can be overridden / set at each task level as needed.
serviceOptions: [], // custom arguments to azure.createBlobService
containerName: null, // container name, required
containerDelete: false, // deletes container if it exists
containerOptions: {publicAccessLevel: "blob", timeoutIntervalInMs: 10000}, // container
copySimulation: false, // do everything but physically touch storage blob when true
metadata: {cacheControl: 'public, max-age=31556926'}, // file metadata properties
gzip: false, // gzip files
maxNumberOfConcurrentUploads: 10 // Maximum number of concurrent uploads
Example Gruntfile.js
'use strict';
module.exports = function(grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
env : {
options : {
//Shared Options Hash
configCDN : {
'azure-blob': {
options: { // global options applied to each task
containerName: 'grunt-azure-blob',
containerDelete: false, //do not apply true here, container would be deleted at each task
metadata: {cacheControl: 'public, max-age=31556926'}, // max-age 1 year for all entries
gzip: true,
copySimulation: false // set true: only dry-run what copy would look like
css: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'example/css/',
dest: '<%= pkg.version %>/css/',
src: ['*.css']
js: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'example/js/',
dest: '<%= pkg.version %>/js/',
src: ['*.js']
// Load the plugin that provides all the pirate magic grunt.loadTasks('tasks');
// Default task(s). grunt.registerTask('default', ['azure-blob']); };
Sample console run (from Gruntfile.js)
Running "azure-blob:css" (azure-blob) task
skiping delete of container[grunt-azure-blob]...OK
azure-blob:css - Create blob container [grunt-azure-blob] ....OK
Copy example.css => grunt-azure-blob/0.0.1/css/example.css - text/css OK
blobStorage copy completed (1) files...OK
Running "azure-blob:js" (azure-blob) task
skiping delete of container[grunt-azure-blob]...OK
azure-blob:js - Create blob container [grunt-azure-blob] ....OK
Copy example.js => grunt-azure-blob/0.0.1/js/example.js - application/javascript OK
blobStorage copy completed (1) files...OK