Provides the ability to prevent tasks from beeing passed as command line argument.
Prevents tasks from beeing passed as command line argument.
Grunt files tend to have a big amount of multi tasks and their configuration objects. This module allows you to prevent tasks and multi tasks beeing invoked by a command line argument directly.
This means you no longer need to be confident that such a (multi) task is not called, but you can actively prevent this.
Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt >=0.4.0
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-assert-command-line-tasks --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be called inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
require('grunt-assert-command-line-tasks')(grunt, ['list', 'of', 'protected', 'tasks']);
The following example is a simple build cycle to build, test and deploy .Net assemblies.
Even if you register tasks (see end of the example code) that make up your build cycle, you can't be sure no one tries to call the multi tasks directly.
Imagine what happens if one calls "grunt msbuild" or "grunt copy": nothing but errors, you might be blamed for ;), or even worse (imagine a complexer build script that will initiate SCM activities or publish the binaries to a public repository) the code and/or resulting binaries might end up in nothing but trouble.
module.exports = function(grunt) {
'use strict';
// prevent the multi tasks from beeing invoked directly
require('grunt-assert-command-line-tasks')(grunt, ['msbuild', 'mstest', 'copy', 'clean']);
clean: {
dist: ['path/to/dist/folder'],
test: ['path/to/unit/test/result/files', 'path/to/integration/test/result/files']
msbuild: {
bin: {
src: ['path/to/source.sln'],
options: {
targets: ['Build']
/* omitted further options for readablity */
doc: {
src: ['path/to/doc.sln'],
options: {
targets: ['Build']
/* omitted further options for readablity */
clean: {
src: ['path/to/source.sln', 'path/to/doc.sln'],
options: {
targets: ['Clean']
/* omitted further options for readablity */
mstest: {
unittest: {
src: ['path/to/unit.test.dll']
integrationtest: {
src: ['path/to/integration.test.dll']
copy: {
bin: {
files: [/* binary files to dist folder */]
doc: {
files: [/* documentation files to dist folder */]
// register your own tasks that are aware about the dependencies and the relation of the configured multi tasks
grunt.registerTask('prepare', ['clean', 'msbuild:clean']);
grunt.registerTask('compile', ['prepare', 'msbuild:bin']);
grunt.registerTask('test', ['compile', 'mstest:unittest']);
grunt.registerTask('deploy', ['test', 'mstest:integrationtest', 'copy:bin', 'msbuild:doc', 'copy:doc']);
- __v1.0.0: *initial commit
Copyright (c) 2015 Michael Scheepers Licensed under the MIT license.