A grunt task for covering your ArcGIS service publishing needs. Hot off the press!
A grunt task for covering your ArcGIS service publishing needs. Hot off the press!
Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt.
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-arcgis-press --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
The "arcgis_press" task
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named arcgis_press
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
arcgis_press: {
options: {
server: {
username: 'an administrative username for accessing the /arcgis/admin page. Store this value in your secrets.json file.',
password: 'the password for that user. Store this value in your secrets.json file.'
mapServiceBasePath: 'the base path (parent folder) to your mxd\'s. This can be placed into your secrets.json file to allow for different project structures among developers.',
commonServiceProperties: {
// these properties can be any item from the services json. They will be mixed into all of services
minInstancesPerNode: 0,
maxInstancesPerNode: 3
services: {
service1: {
type: 'The type of the resource being published (MapServer|GpServer|Soe)',
serviceName: 'The service name when publishing to server',
resource: 'The file name with extension from within the serviceBasePath being published.'
// all commonServiceProperties will be mixed in with these
service2: {
// you can have as many of these as you need for your project.
dev: {
// Target-specific overrides for test, stage, and production go here. These override the service level entries.
server: {
host: secrets.devHost
commonServiceProperties: {
minInstancesPerNode: 0
services: {
// these names much match the earlier entries for the overrides to link
service1: {
serviceName: 'This'
stage: {
server: {
host: secrets.stageHost
prod: {
server: {
host: secrets.prodHost
Python usage
grunt-arcgis-press uses a python module to perform the interactions with arcgis server. This python module makes it possible to use the modules api without using grunt. Theoretically, other build tool plugins could be created using the python module or you can invoke it directly. It invaluable for debugging also. Below are the cli options and examples.
press stage <ip> <username> <password> <json> <[temp_folder]>
python -m press stage localhost user pass {\"type\":\"MapServer\",\"serviceName\":\"MainDevMapService\",\"resource\":\"C:\\Projects\\GitHub\\BEMS\\maps\\BEMS.local.mxd\",\"folder\":\"press\"}
press upload <ip> <username> <password> <sd> <connection_file>
python -m press upload localhost user pass c:\\Projects\\GitHub\\grunt-arcgis-press\\tasks\\scripts\\.temp\\ c:\\Projects\\GitHub\\grunt-arcgis-press\\tasks\\scripts\\.temp\\server_connection.ags
press edit <ip> <username> <password> <json> <[temp_folder]>
python -m press edit localhost user pass {\"type\":\"MapServer\",\"serviceName\":\"MainDevMapService\",\"resource\":\"C:\\Projects\\GitHub\\BEMS\\maps\\BEMS.local.mxd\",\"minInstancesPerNode\":2,\"capabilities\":\"Map,Query\",\"properties\":{\"maxRecordCount\":\"1500\"},\"maxInstancesPerNode\":3}
press upload <ip> <username> <password> <json> <[temp_folder]>
python -m press publish localhost user pass {\"type\":\"MapServer\",\"serviceName\":\"MainDevMapService\",\"resource\":\"C:\\Projects\\GitHub\\BEMS\\maps\\BEMS.local.mxd\",\"minInstancesPerNode\":2,\"capabilities\":\"Map,Query\",\"properties\":{\"maxRecordCount\":\"500\"},\"maxInstancesPerNode\":3}
Release History
0.2.0 - Initial release. Available functionality limited to publishing .mxd
Copyright (c) 2015 AGRC. Licensed under the MIT license.