Thrift Angular Code Generator ============================= Make Thrift rpc calls to your Thrift http server, from javascript in a browser, in a website or cordova/phonegap app. This is a grunt module that compiles Thrift IDL into commonjs javascript, fo
Thrift Angular Code Generator
Make Thrift rpc calls to your Thrift http server, from javascript in a browser, in a website or cordova/phonegap app. This is a grunt module that compiles Thrift IDL into commonjs javascript, for use with browserify or webpack. The generated angularjs module generates an angular service for each Thrift service, at runtime.
Thrift: This is packaged with a pre-release snapshot of the Thrift 1.0 javascript runtime, from the Apache Thrift repository, and so it depends on a Thrift 1.0 compiler, on the build machine. You can build a Thrift 1.0 compiler from the Apache Thrift repository. It will be backward compatible with Thrift 0.9.x IDL and server endpoints.
Example Gruntfile.js Configuration
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// load the grunt plugin
// configure the grunt plugin
thriftcompiler: {
deluxe: {
files: [
src: 'app/src/thrift/**/*.thrift',
dest: 'app/src/generated'
thriftSrcRoot: 'app/src/thrift/', // root directory of the above src path
thriftBin: '~/dev/thrift/compiler/cpp/build/thrift', // this is your Thrift 1.0 compiler
// (optional) with this property, it will generate angular services (at runtime, so you won't find any generated js files with angular services)
angularServices: {
rootEndpointUrl: '/thrift-api/v1/', // root uri path of all your thrift service endpoints (domain name is configured elsewhere)
thriftRetryHandler: { // user-provided error handler, for thrift and http errors (see the example below)
angularModule: 'thrift-retry',
angularService: 'CustomThriftRetryHandler'
compileOnly: {
files: [
src: 'app/src/thrift/**/*.thrift',
dest: 'app/src/generated'
thriftSrcRoot: 'app/src/thrift/',
thriftBin: '/Users/kmassaroni/dev/thrift/compiler/cpp/build/thrift'
Example: User-Provided Thrift Error Handler
For example, always retry the same exact thrift call once, for whatever reason.
// app/src/thrift/thrift-retry-service.js
var thriftRetryModule = angular.module('thrift-retry', []);
thriftRetryModule.service('CustomThriftRetryHandler', [function CustomThriftRetryHandler() {
this.handleError = function handleError(thriftClient, reason, state) {
if (state.callCount > 2) {
} else {
Example: Load Thrift In Your App
// app/src/thrift/thrift-services.js
// the generated thrift js module returns a configuration object with instructions for generating angular services
var generated = require('../generated/compiled_thrift');
// the generated angular thrift services will depend on your custom angular service, for error handling
// generate the angular thrift services, in the ngThriftServices module
// your module must depend on the ngThriftServices module, provided by grunt-angularjs-thrift
angular.module('my-module', ['ngThriftServices']);
// the naming convention for angular thrift services is: [Thrift][your service name]. So, a thrift service named
// SomethingService would have an angular thrift service name ThriftSomethingService
angular.module('my-module').service('MyService', ['ThriftSomethingService', function (ThriftSomethingService) {
ThriftSomethingService.callRoomService().then(function (response) {
console.log('response from server:', response);
}, function (reason) {
console.log('thrift rpc call failed:', reason);
// app/src/thrift/services.thrift
service SomethingService {
string callRoomService()
- more documentation
- example project