AlienSVision Project Instructions (level-1).
AlienSVision Project Instructions (level-1).
Developed by: Surjeet Singh
Email: [email protected]
Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5
Plugin: Grunt [NPMJS]
Codename: grunt-aliensvision_pi1
CopyLeft [ASV] - AlienSVision (
Description: AlienSVision Project Instructions (level-1)
Developed by 'Surjeet Singh'
Copyright (c) 2013 to 2017 AlienSVision
Licensed under the Free license.
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-aliensvision_pi1 --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
The "aliensvision_pi1" task
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named aliensvision_pi1
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
aliensvision_pi1: {
options: {
// default options settings.
// you can change these as required.
// possible values are given along with options.
// Last character after processing
punctuation: '.',
// file content separator, any valid string/char
separator: '\n',
// default: 'no', if 'yes' then makes content lower case
reverseUCase: 'no',
// if 'yes', trims leading spaces of every file contents
trimLeft: 'no',
// if 'yes', trims trailing spaces of every file contents
trimRight: 'no',
// if 'yes', trims leading and trailing spaces of every file contents
trim: 'no',
// removes all spaces from all specified files' contents
removeSpaces: 'no',
// if 'yes', removes all dots/periods (.) from the files' contents
removePeriods: 'no',
// if 'yes', normalizes the string paths inside the files,
// converts double slashes (//) to single slash (/)
// don't use it if paths are like
normalizePaths: "no",
// if 'yes', converts TAB to single space
tabToSpace: "no",
// if 'yes', replaces multiple spaces to one space
multipleSpacesToOneSpace: "no",
files: {
// Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.
// 'src' supports filenames/paths with wild cards also.
src: ['file1.txt', '/folder1/file2.js', '../folder2/file3.txt'],
dest: 'my_new_file.txt',
option values
Almost all options have String
values, if some/few have different types those are mentioned along with the usage sample above.
Usage Examples
Option: 'default_value', // 'possible value(s)'
options with default and possible values:
punctuation: '.', // ''
separator: '\n', // '.' or any valid character
reverseUCase: 'no', // 'yes'
trimLeft: 'no', // 'yes'
trimRight: 'no', // 'yes'
trim: 'no', // 'yes'
removeSpaces: 'no', // 'yes'
removePeriods: 'no', // 'yes'
normalizePaths: "no", // 'yes'
tabToSpace: "no", // 'yes'
multipleSpacesToOneSpace: "no" // 'yes'
Default Options
In this example, the default options are used to do something with whatever. So if the testing
file has the content Testing
and the 123
file had the content 1 2 3
, the generated result would be Testing, 1 2 3.
aliensvision_pi1: {
options: {},
files: {
'dest/default_options': ['src/testing', 'src/123'],
Custom Options
In this example, custom options are used to do something else with whatever else. So if the testing
file has the content Testing
and the 123
file had the content 1 2 3
, the generated result in this case would be Testing: 1 2 3 !!!
aliensvision_pi1: {
options: {
separator: ': ',
punctuation: ' !!!',
files: {
'dest/default_options': ['src/testing', 'src/123'],
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Release History
Release 0.1.7 [4]
- stability and performance improved
Release 0.1.2 [1]
- trim options added
Release 0.1.1 [1]
- simple trim option added
Release 0.1.0 [2]
- path normalization
- multiple files are allowed as 'src'