A lightweight, minimalistic testing framework.
A lightweight, minimalistic testing framework for Typescript.
npm i --save-dev gruetest
// package.json
"scripts": {
"test": "npm explore gruetest -- npm test -- path/to/test/folder"
import describe from 'gruetest'
describe('Test Category', it => {
it('should do something correctly', assert => {
// If the two parameters are not equal, the test will fail.
assert.equal(2+2, 4, 'optional message shown next to failed assertions')
// Use this for testing random or inconsistent things.
() => Math.random(), // A function to get the tested value.
num => assert.inRange(num, 0, 1, 'Math.random range'),
500 // The number of times to run the test (default: 10000)
Assert Methods
| Method | Description
| :-- | :--
| truth
| Assert that the parameter is truthy.
| equal
| Assert that two parameters are equal (==
| strictEqual
| Assert that two parameters are strictly equal (===
| notEqual
| Assert that two parameters are not equal (!=
| strictNotEqual
| Assert that two parameters are strictly not equal (!==
| inRange
| Assert that two numeric parameters are within a range (inclusive).
| greaterThan
| Assert that the first numeric parameter is greater than the second.
| lessThan
| Assert that the first numeric parameter is less than the second.
| greaterOrEqual
| Assert that the first numeric parameter is greater than or equal to the second.
| lessOrEqual
| Assert that the first numeric parameter is less than or equal to the second.
| inArray
| Assert that the first parameter is contained in the array passed as the second.
| matchPred
| Assert that the function passed as the second parameter returns true when passed the first.
| throws
| Assert that the function passed as the first parameter throws, and the exception matches the predicate passed as the second.