Tool for pulling secrets and other config with version control.
Griffin is a tool for managing all of your config and supports using the underlying service store's versioning capabilities. Unlike other tools that just pull the latest version of parameters from a secret service, Griffin allows you to lock a specific version of your config to a specific version of your code and tracks these versions as part of your source control. This has several key benefits:
- 🕵 Changes to config become part of the normal code review process
- 🔒 Config changes are locked to the code changes they're dependent on
- 🌄 Follows best practices of The Twelve-Factor App methodology by storing config in the environment separate from the code
This effectively decouples your deployments from your config, allowing you to fully automate
- 🐦 Canary deployments
- 💍 Ring deployments
- 🛞 Rollbacks
without having to coordinate updating your config.
Table of Contents
- 🌱 Installation
- 💻 Usage
- 🔢 Multiple Environments
- 🚀 Deploying
- ☁ AWS Configuration
- 🚛 Migrating to griffin
- ⬆️ Upgrade Guide
- 🚏 Roadmap
- 📖 Commands
griffin autocomplete [SHELL]
griffin exec COMMAND [ARGS]
griffin export
griffin help [COMMANDS]
griffin ssm config get
griffin ssm config set
griffin ssm create
griffin ssm delete
griffin ssm history
griffin ssm import
griffin ssm read
griffin ssm remove
griffin ssm update
griffin ssm write
griffin update [CHANNEL]
griffin version
🌱 Installation
If you have Node installed, you can install using npm
npm install --global griffin-cli
or just use npx
npx griffin-cli
Alternatively, you can install using the tar files attached to the release.
To install using brew, use the following commands
brew tap griffin-cli/brew
brew update
brew install griffin
If you're using a relatively modern version of Ubuntu, use the following to add the griffin repo and install it:
wget -qO- | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/griffin.gpg
echo "deb [arch=amd64,arm64,armel signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/griffin.gpg] /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/griffin.list > /dev/null
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y griffin
On older versions, you can use apt-key add
wget -qO- | apt-key add -
echo "deb /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/griffin.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y griffin
deb File
- Download the latest .deb file from the releases page.
- Install the package
apt install /path/to/file.deb
rpm File
- Download the latest .rpm file from the releases page.
- Install the package
yum install /path/to/file.rpm
# or
dnf install /path/to/file.rpm
Tarballs for Linux, Windows, and Mac are available on the releases page. You can download and unpack manually or you can use the script below to install on most Linux and Mac machines:
wget -q -O - | sh
To run commands in an interactive shell, run
docker run -it --rm griffincli/griffin-cli sh
To run a command directly, specify the command to run after griffincli/griffin-cli
. For example, to check the version
docker run -it --rm griffincli/griffin-cli griffin version
To use a specific version, you can add the version tag after the image. For example, you could run
docker run -it --rm griffincli/griffin-cli:0.2.0 sh
To use in a Dockerfile, add the following line
FROM griffincli/griffin-cli
Download the executable available on the release and run it.
💻 Usage
See the Commands section below for a full list of commands available.
First, create your first secret:
griffin ssm create --env production -n /griffin-cli/prod/SUPERUSER_PASSWORD
This will prompt you to enter the value for the secret. Alternatively, you could specify -v
and enter the value as part of the command, but this will make your secret value available in your terminal history.
Now you can run a program and access the value of API_KEY
griffin exec --env production -- echo $API_KEY
If you wanted to review the changes made to the parameter over time, you could then run
griffin ssm history --env production -n /griffin-cli/prod/SUPERUSER_PASSWORD
This will list all the versions for /griffin-cli/prod/SUPERUSER_PASSWORD
, including the value and who modified the parameter.
All of these examples leverage griffin's versioning capability; however, not all config should be locked to a specific version. This limits your ability to make updates to your config as needed. If your config is not dependent on your code, you can add the --always-use-latest
shorthand) flag when creating, importing, or updating your parameter:
griffin ssm import --env demo -n /griffin-cli/demo/API_KEY -l
Similarly, griffin will treat all parameters as required by default and fail when running export
or exec
if a required parameter is missing. To mark a parameter as optional, you can specify the --optional
flag when creating, importing, or updating your parameter:
griffin ssm config set -n /griffin-cli/OPTIONAL_VAR --optional
🔢 Multiple Environments
Multiple environments are supported natively. Just add the --env
shorthand) flag supported by all commands and specify the environment name. For example,
griffin ssm read --env production /path/var
If the --env
flag is not specified, default
is used instead.
If you would like to inject the config from multiple environments, you can do so by generating a single .env
file and sourcing it. Similar to the following
griffin export --env prod_global --format dotenv > .env
griffin export --env prod_service --format dotenv >> .env
source .env
🚀 Deploying
There are 2 main ways to deploy an app using griffin. You can use griffin directly using the exec
command or you can export your config and inject it using whatever method you'd like.
To run a target command and inject your config into the environment, you can run the exec
griffin exec --env production -- /server
Make sure to replace /server
with the appropriate command to execute. Everything after the --
is passed to the command specified. For example, --nodes=3
and server.exe
are both passed to
griffin exec --env production -- ./ --nodes=3 server.exe
By default, this method makes any existing environment variables available to the target command. If you would like to make it so only the config defined in your griffin config file is made available, use --pristine
griffin exec --env staging --pristine -- /server
If you would like to export your config and inject it into your environment/app as you see fit, you can do so using export
griffin export --env production --format dotenv --output .env
You could then source
the generated dotenv file:
griffin export --env production --format dotenv --output tmp.env
source tmp.env
rm tmp.env
☁ AWS Configuration
Griffin uses the official AWS SDK to access AWS. To use AWS-backed stores, you must configure both your credentials and region.
If you're using a config file or credentials file with the default
profile, you can run griffin without any additional configuration:
griffin ssm history /my/var
If you're using a named profile, you can use the AWS_PROFILE
environment variable to tell the AWS SDK which profile to load
AWS_PROFILE=prod griffin ssm history /my/var
🚛 Migrating to griffin
Chamber is an awesome tool, but it's limited by not locking versions. This makes rollbacks and canary/ring deployments difficult to manage. The good news is griffin makes migrating off of chamber easy. Just run
griffin ssm import -c chamber-service-1 -c chamber-service-2
If you want griffin to behave the same as chamber and always pull the latest value without locking the version and ignoring missing values, use this command instead
griffin ssm import --always-use-latest --optional -c chamber-service-1 -c chamber-service-2
dotenv is another great tool, but you'll likely need a separate tool to manage secrets. Griffin makes it easy to manage both in the same place. To move a dotenv file to griffin, just run
griffin ssm import -d ./path/to/.env
To import your config directly from SSM, use the --name
griffin ssm import -n /path/var
⬆️ Upgrade Guide
v2 introduced YAML-based config, replacing the legacy JSON-based config to improve readability and user-friendliness. Config generated in earlier versions will no longer be usable by Griffin.
To help migrate, Griffin will automatically detect legacy JSON config files and ask you if you would like to automatically convert them to the new format. If you choose to use this method, no work is needed by you to migrate your config.
🚏 Roadmap
Griffin is growing! We're always looking for contributors and maintainers to help us get to where we're going. Amongst other things, Griffin is looking to add support for
- Native package managers
- yum - Improved support
- Other AWS services
- S3
- SecretsManager
- Other cloud providers
- Azure
As Griffin continues to grow, we may also refactor into more of a plugin-based architecture so you only have to install what you need.
📖 Commands
griffin autocomplete [SHELL]
griffin exec COMMAND [ARGS]
griffin export
griffin help [COMMAND]
griffin ssm config get
griffin ssm config set
griffin ssm create
griffin ssm delete
griffin ssm history
griffin ssm import
griffin ssm read
griffin ssm remove
griffin ssm update
griffin ssm write
griffin update [CHANNEL]
griffin version
griffin autocomplete [SHELL]
Display autocomplete installation instructions.
$ griffin autocomplete [SHELL] [-r]
SHELL (zsh|bash|powershell) Shell type
-r, --refresh-cache Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)
Display autocomplete installation instructions.
$ griffin autocomplete
$ griffin autocomplete bash
$ griffin autocomplete zsh
$ griffin autocomplete powershell
$ griffin autocomplete --refresh-cache
See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete
griffin exec COMMAND [ARGS]
Execute a command, injecting config into the environment.
$ griffin exec COMMAND... [ARGS...] [-E <value>] [--cwd <value>] [-p]
COMMAND... the command to execute
-E, --env=<value> [default: default] the name of the environment (e.g. prod, qa, staging), this can be any
alphanumeric string; default: default
-p, --pristine only use config managed by griffin; do not inherit existing environment variables
--cwd=<value> the directory where griffin's config file is located, both relative and absolute paths are
supported; default: .
Execute a command, injecting config into the environment.
$ griffin exec -- ./server
$ griffin exec --pristine -- ./server
See code: src/commands/exec.ts
griffin export
Export parameters in the specified format.
$ griffin export [-E <value>] [--cwd <value>] [-f json|dotenv|yaml|csv] [-o <value>]
-E, --env=<value> [default: default] the name of the environment (e.g. prod, qa, staging), this can be any
alphanumeric string; default: default
-f, --format=<option> [default: json] output format
<options: json|dotenv|yaml|csv>
-o, --output=<value> output file; if not specified, prints to stdout
--cwd=<value> the directory where griffin's config file is located, both relative and absolute paths are
supported; default: .
Export parameters in the specified format.
$ griffin export
$ griffin export --format json
$ griffin export --output ./.env --format dotenv
See code: src/commands/export.ts
griffin help [COMMAND]
Display help for griffin.
$ griffin help [COMMAND...] [-n]
COMMAND... Command to show help for.
-n, --nested-commands Include all nested commands in the output.
Display help for griffin.
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
griffin ssm config get
Get the config value for a parameter tracked by griffin.
$ griffin ssm config get -n <value> [-E <value>] [--cwd <value>] [-c version|envVarName|allowMissingValue] [-a]
-E, --env=<value> [default: default] the name of the environment (e.g. prod, qa, staging), this can be any
alphanumeric string; default: default
-a, --all show the entire config for the parameter
-c, --config-name=<option> the name of the config option
<options: version|envVarName|allowMissingValue>
-n, --name=<value> (required) the name of the parameter
--cwd=<value> the directory where griffin's config file is located, both relative and absolute paths are
supported; default: .
Get the config value for a parameter tracked by griffin.
$ griffin ssm config get --name /example/var --config-name version
$ griffin ssm config get --name /example/var --all
See code: src/commands/ssm/config/get.ts
griffin ssm config set
Set the config value for a parameter.
$ griffin ssm config set -n <value> [-E <value>] [--cwd <value>] [-e <value>] [-l | -v <value>] [-o]
-E, --env=<value> [default: default] the name of the environment (e.g. prod, qa, staging), this can be any
alphanumeric string; default: default
-e, --env-var-name=<value> if this parameter does not exist, specifies the name of the environment variable that
should be assigned the value of this parameter; default: normalized parameter name,
without the prefix
-l, --[no-]always-use-latest do not lock the version, instead always pull the latest version; if false, the latest
version is pulled from Parameter Store and set as the current version; to use a
different version, use --version instead
-n, --name=<value> (required) the name of the parameter
-o, --[no-]optional do not fail when running exec or exporting variables if this parameter does not exist
-v, --version=<value> lock the version of the parameter to this version
--cwd=<value> the directory where griffin's config file is located, both relative and absolute paths
are supported; default: .
Set the config value for a parameter.
$ griffin ssm config set --name /example/var --version 5
$ griffin ssm config set --name /example/var --no-optional
See code: src/commands/ssm/config/set.ts
griffin ssm create
Create a new a parameter in Parameter Store.
$ griffin ssm create -n <value> [-E <value>] [--cwd <value>] [-d <value>] [-t SecureString|String|StringList]
[-v <value> | -l | --from-stdin] [-e <value>] [-l] [-o]
-E, --env=<value> [default: default] the name of the environment (e.g. prod, qa, staging), this can be any
alphanumeric string; default: default
-n, --name=<value> (required) the name of the parameter
--cwd=<value> the directory where griffin's config file is located, both relative and absolute paths are
supported; default: .
-d, --description=<value> the description for the parameter in Parameter Store
-t, --type=<option> the type for the parameter, only has to be specified for new parameters; default:
<options: SecureString|String|StringList>
-e, --env-var-name=<value> if this parameter does not exist, specifies the name of the environment variable that
should be assigned the value of this parameter; default: normalized parameter name,
without the prefix
-l, --always-use-latest do not lock the version, instead always pull the latest version
-o, --optional do not fail when running exec or exporting variables if this parameter does not exist
-l, --read-single-line if reading from stdin, stop reading at \n
-v, --value=<value> the value of the parameter; if not specified and the value is not read from stdin, you will be
prompted for the value
--from-stdin use stdin to get the value
Create a new a parameter in Parameter Store.
$ griffin ssm create --name /example/var
$ griffin ssm create --name /example/var --value example
$ griffin ssm create --name /example/var --from-stdin
$ griffin ssm create --name /example/var --env-var-name EXAMPLE_VER --type SecureString
See code: src/commands/ssm/create.ts
griffin ssm delete
Permanently delete a parameter from Parameter Store and remove it from tracking.
$ griffin ssm delete -n <value> [-E <value>] [--cwd <value>]
-E, --env=<value> [default: default] the name of the environment (e.g. prod, qa, staging), this can be any
alphanumeric string; default: default
-n, --name=<value> (required) the name of the parameter
--cwd=<value> the directory where griffin's config file is located, both relative and absolute paths are
supported; default: .
Permanently delete a parameter from Parameter Store and remove it from tracking.
$ griffin ssm delete --name /example/var
See code: src/commands/ssm/delete.ts
griffin ssm history
View the history of a parameter.
$ griffin ssm history -n <value> [-E <value>] [--cwd <value>] [--columns <value> | ] [--sort <value>] [--filter
<value>] [-x] [--no-header | [--output csv|json|yaml | --no-truncate]]
-E, --env=<value> [default: default] the name of the environment (e.g. prod, qa, staging), this can be any
alphanumeric string; default: default
-n, --name=<value> (required) the name of the parameter
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--cwd=<value> the directory where griffin's config file is located, both relative and absolute paths are
supported; default: .
--filter=<value> filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=<option> [default: json] the format for the output
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--sort=<value> property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
View the history of a parameter.
$ griffin ssm history --name /example/var
See code: src/commands/ssm/history.ts
griffin ssm import
Import a parameter from Parameter Store or another config source.
$ griffin ssm import [-E <value>] [--cwd <value>] [-l] [-o] [-q] [-e <value> -n <value>] [-c <value>...] [-t
SecureString|String|StringList [-d <value> --prefix <value>]] [--overwrite ]
-E, --env=<value> [default: default] the name of the environment (e.g. prod, qa, staging), this can be any
alphanumeric string; default: default
-l, --always-use-latest do not lock the version, instead always pull the latest version
-o, --optional do not fail when running exec or exporting variables if parameter does not exist
-q, --quiet quiet (no output)
--cwd=<value> the directory where griffin's config file is located, both relative and absolute paths are
supported; default: .
-c, --chamber-service=<value>... import all parameters using this chamber service prefix
-d, --from-dotenv=<value> import parameters from a dotenv file and save to Parameter Store
-t, --type=<option> the type for any parameters created in Parameter Store; default: SecureString
<options: SecureString|String|StringList>
--overwrite if a parameter already exists with the generated name, should it be overwritten
--prefix=<value> the prefix to use when saving parameters from a dotenv file to Parameter Store
-e, --env-var-name=<value> the name of the environment variable that should be assigned the value of this parameter;
default: normalized parameter name, without the prefix
-n, --name=<value> the name of the parameter
Import a parameter from Parameter Store or another config source.
$ griffin ssm import --name /example/var
$ griffin ssm import --from-dotenv .env --prefix /example/path
$ griffin ssm import --chamber-service /example
$ griffin ssm import --chamber-service /example --optional --always-use-latest
See code: src/commands/ssm/import.ts
griffin ssm read
Read a parameter from Parameter Store.
$ griffin ssm read -n <value> [-E <value>] [--cwd <value>] [-v <value> | -l] [-q] [--columns <value> | ]
[--sort <value>] [--filter <value>] [-x] [--no-header | [--output csv|json|yaml | --no-truncate]]
-E, --env=<value> [default: default] the name of the environment (e.g. prod, qa, staging), this can be any
alphanumeric string; default: default
-l, --latest read the latest version
-n, --name=<value> (required) the name of the parameter
-q, --quiet print only the parameter value
-v, --version=<value> the version of the parameter to read, defaults to the version in your .griffin-config.yaml file
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--cwd=<value> the directory where griffin's config file is located, both relative and absolute paths are
supported; default: .
--filter=<value> filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=<option> [default: json] the format for the output
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--sort=<value> property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
Read a parameter from Parameter Store.
$ griffin ssm read --name /example/var
$ griffin ssm read --name /example/var --latest
$ griffin ssm read --name /example/var --version 3 --quiet
See code: src/commands/ssm/read.ts
griffin ssm remove
Remove a parameter without deleting it from Parameter Store.
$ griffin ssm remove -n <value> [-E <value>] [--cwd <value>]
-E, --env=<value> [default: default] the name of the environment (e.g. prod, qa, staging), this can be any
alphanumeric string; default: default
-n, --name=<value> (required) the name of the parameter
--cwd=<value> the directory where griffin's config file is located, both relative and absolute paths are
supported; default: .
Remove a parameter without deleting it from Parameter Store.
$ griffin ssm remove --name /example/var
See code: src/commands/ssm/remove.ts
griffin ssm update
Update an existing parameter in Parameter Store.
$ griffin ssm update -n <value> [-E <value>] [--cwd <value>] [-d <value>] [-v <value> | -l | --from-stdin] [-u]
-E, --env=<value> [default: default] the name of the environment (e.g. prod, qa, staging), this can be any
alphanumeric string; default: default
-n, --name=<value> (required) the name of the parameter
-u, --skip-unchanged skip updating the parameter if the value has not changed
--cwd=<value> the directory where griffin's config file is located, both relative and absolute paths are
supported; default: .
-d, --description=<value> the description for the parameter in Parameter Store
-l, --read-single-line if reading from stdin, stop reading at \n
-v, --value=<value> the value of the parameter; if not specified and the value is not read from stdin, you will be
prompted for the value
--from-stdin use stdin to get the value
Update an existing parameter in Parameter Store.
$ griffin ssm update --name /example/var
$ griffin ssm update --name /example/var --value example
$ griffin ssm update --name /example/var --from-stdin
See code: src/commands/ssm/update.ts
griffin ssm write
Write a parameter to Parameter Store.
$ griffin ssm write -n <value> [-E <value>] [--cwd <value>] [-d <value>] [-t SecureString|String|StringList]
[-v <value> | -l | --from-stdin] [-e <value>] [-l] [-o] [-u]
-E, --env=<value> [default: default] the name of the environment (e.g. prod, qa, staging), this can be any
alphanumeric string; default: default
-n, --name=<value> (required) the name of the parameter
-u, --skip-unchanged skip updating the parameter if the value has not changed
--cwd=<value> the directory where griffin's config file is located, both relative and absolute paths are
supported; default: .
-d, --description=<value> the description for the parameter in Parameter Store
-t, --type=<option> the type for the parameter, only has to be specified for new parameters; default:
<options: SecureString|String|StringList>
-e, --env-var-name=<value> if this parameter does not exist, specifies the name of the environment variable that
should be assigned the value of this parameter; default: normalized parameter name,
without the prefix
-l, --always-use-latest do not lock the version, instead always pull the latest version
-o, --optional do not fail when running exec or exporting variables if this parameter does not exist
-l, --read-single-line if reading from stdin, stop reading at \n
-v, --value=<value> the value of the parameter; if not specified and the value is not read from stdin, you will be
prompted for the value
--from-stdin use stdin to get the value
Write a parameter to Parameter Store.
$ griffin ssm write --name /example/var
$ griffin ssm write --name /example/var --value example
$ griffin ssm write --name /example/var --from-stdin
$ griffin ssm write --name /example/var --env-var-name EXAMPLE_VER --type SecureString
See code: src/commands/ssm/write.ts
griffin update [CHANNEL]
update the griffin CLI
$ griffin update [CHANNEL] [--force | | [-a | -v <value> | -i]]
-a, --available See available versions.
-i, --interactive Interactively select version to install. This is ignored if a channel is provided.
-v, --version=<value> Install a specific version.
--force Force a re-download of the requested version.
update the griffin CLI
Update to the stable channel:
$ griffin update stable
Update to a specific version:
$ griffin update --version 1.0.0
Interactively select version:
$ griffin update --interactive
See available versions:
$ griffin update --available
See code: @oclif/plugin-update
griffin version
$ griffin version [--json] [--verbose]
--verbose Show additional information about the CLI.
--json Format output as json.
--verbose Show additional information about the CLI.
Additionally shows the architecture, node version, operating system, and versions of plugins that the CLI is using.
See code: @oclif/plugin-version