This package helps to add multilanguage support to the website built with Gridsome.
Make Gridsome website multilangual
Simple plugin to translate websites.
npm install gridsome-plugin-translateit
1. gridsome.config.js
Install packages js-yaml
and fs
if not installed.
const yaml = require('js-yaml')
const fs = require('fs')
module.exports = {
plugins: [
use: "gridsome-plugin-translateit",
options: {
locales: ["en", "ru", "zh"],
defaultLocale: "en",
slugifyDefaultLocale: false, // this is default value; set 'true' if you want to add locale to all pathes, including default
translations: yaml.load(fs.readFileSync('./src/data/locales/translations.yaml', 'utf8')),
collections: ['blog'], // any collection name
exclude: ["/404/", "/sitemap.xml/"], // this is default value
routes: yaml.load(fs.readFileSync('./src/data/locales/routes.yaml', 'utf8')),
2. Create and edit routes.yaml
All pathes for pages that you need translate. Use option typename: 'page'
for text page or typename: 'component'
for collection page (this option is required for correct path translation).
- path: '/'
component: './src/pages/index.vue'
typename: 'page'
- path: '/another-page'
component: './src/pages/anotherPage.vue'
typename: 'page'
- path: '/blog/'
component: './src/pages/blog.vue'
typename: 'component'
3. Create and edit translations.yaml
- alias: index_title
en: This is some awesome title
ru: Это какой-то классный заголовок
zh: 这是一个很棒的标题
4. Use it on page
For example, let's add translation for the title on Index page ./src/pages/index.vue
<h1 v-if="$ts('index_title')">{{$ts('index_title')}}</h1>
- You don't need to create any other files for pages, just use routes.yaml to share with plugin your plans. Localized pages will be generated automatically from routes.yaml.
- If for some reason there is no translation for current alias, plugin will insert alias text. E.g.
$ts('This is title')
will displayThis is title
for all languages, if there is no alias 'This is title'.
5. Create collections
Folder structure
Let's suppose you have one collection on your website named 'blog'.
1 way, if you chosen option slugifyDefaultLocale: false
--- blog
|_ ru
|_ zh
2 way, if you chosen option slugifyDefaultLocale: true
--- blog
|_ en
|_ ru
|_ zh
--- blog
|_ en
|_ ru
|_ zh
Set attribute for post
For all posts set attribute at the top of the Markdown file (this is set between triple-dashed lines) locale: 'locale_code'. You need to set it for all locales even if slugifyDefaultLocale: false. For example, both for /blog/en/
and /blog/
you will set locale: 'en'
title: The post title
date: 2021-08-04
published: true
locale: 'en'
Edit gridsome.config.js
Add all your collections name in option collections, e.g. collections: ['blog']
Filter posts
Let's say you have page for blog with list of all posts ./src/pages/blog.vue. To show only posts with current locale you need to filter it while quering. e.g.
query ($locale: String!) {
posts: allPost(filter: { published: { eq: true }, locale: { eq: $locale } }) {
edges {
node {
date (format: "D. MMMM YYYY")
cover_image (width: 1500, quality: 100)
6. Helpers
You can manipulate locales, translate strings, translate paths within components.
– current locale$defaultLocale
– default locale$ts('text')
– translate string; translations are taken from the file in configtranslations: ...
– path will automatically generated with current locale$setLocale(new_locale)
– set new locale
7. Example of switcher component
<select v-if="$localesList" tabindex="0" @change="changelocale($event)">
<template v-for="(item,key) in $localesList">
<option v-bind:key="key" :selected="item == $locale" v-bind:value="item">{{ item }}</option>
export default {
methods: {
changelocale(event) {
// get chosen locale
let lang =
//update locale in options
//redirect to page with chosen locale
let newpath = this.$tp(this.$route.path, lang)
window.location.href = newpath
Path translation
Set slugifyDefaultLocale: false
while configuring your project to save your pathes on websites clean by default. It is helpfull if you are translating already existing website, so you don't need to redirect pathes from default to translated.
Some routes plugin can ignore. 404 page and sitemap.xml are set no to translate by default.
So e.g. path website-url/sitemap.xml will remain without translations.
You still can use $ts()
helper within 404, content will be translated but pathes are not.
If you have any troubles, create issue on Github