mongo plugin for gridfw-model
Mongo middleware for gridfw-model
Include the middleware
// Create Mongo middleware
const MongoClass= require('gridfw-model-mongo');
const db= new MongoClass({
prefix: 'g-' // Enable to autoremove removed indexes without affecting added ones manually
// Connect to Mongo
.catch(function(err){console.error('---Got error: ', err)});
The middleware will add a new Model type: ObjectId You can use it as: Model.ObjectId
Create new Collection (repository)
name: 'MyCollection', // collection name
model: MyModel, // @optional, link to your model
indexes: [
define: function(nativeCollection, model){
return {
myMethod: function(){}
myMethod2: function(){}
Full example
// Load APIs
const ModelClass= require('gridfw-model');
const MongoClass= require ('gridfw-model-mongo');
// Create factories
const Model= new ModelClass();
const db= new MongoClass({prefix: 'g-'});
// Create user model
const UserModel= Model.define('User',{
_id: Model.ObjectId,
email: String,
name: String,
age: Number
// Create user respository
const userRepository= db.from({
name: 'users',
model: UserModel,
indexes: [
// Index name: change index name each time you change the index options
// Tip: use an increment digit as follow: g-email-1 ... g-email-n
name: 'g-email-0',
// Your mongo index kies (@see mongo documentation)
key: {
email: 1
unique: true, // @optional, Mongo flag
partialFilterExpression: { // @optional, Mongo partial expression
email: {$exists: true}
define: function(userRepository, UserModel){
return {
// Return plain object
findById: function(id){ return userRepository.findOne({_id: id}); }
// Return userModel
findById2: function(id){
doc= await userRepository.findOne({_id: id});
doc= userModel.fromDB(doc);
return doc;