Automatically create TypeORM EntitySchema's, GraphQL resolvers, GraphQL Mutation, Query, and Input schemas from TypeORM annotated(directive) types.
Automatically create TypeORM EntitySchema's, GraphQL resolvers, GraphQL Mutation, Query, and Input schemas from TypeORM annotated(directive) types.
npm i graphql_typeorm
Example Schemas decorated.
type Author @Entity {
id: Int! @PrimaryGeneratedColumn
name: String! @Column
rating: Float @Column(type: "float")
books: [Book] @Relationship(type: "one-to-many", target: "Book")
type Book @Entity {
id: Int! @Column(type: "int", primary: true, generated: true)
title: String! @Column(type: "string")
author: [Author]! @Relationship(type: "many-to-one", target: "Author")
| Name | Options | Description | |-------------------------|---------|-------------| | @Entity | EntitySchemaOptions| Determines what GraphQL Types get converted to TypeORM EntitySchema Models.| | @Column | EntitySchemaColumnOptions| Determines what model fields are stored in database.| | @Relationship | EntitySchemaRelationshipOptions| Determines that a relationship field should be created.| | @PrimaryColumn | EntitySchemaColumnOptions| Shortcut for Column type with primary = true | | @PrimaryGeneratedColumn | EntitySchemaColumnOptions| Shortcut for Column type with primary = true and generated = true| | @CreateDateColumn | EntitySchemaColumnOptions| Shortcut for Column type with type = 'timestamp with time zone' and createDate = true | | @UpdateDateColumn | EntitySchemaColumnOptions | Shortcut for Column type with type = 'timestamp with time zone' and updateDate = true |
Example usage CLI
npx graphql_typeorm dir=./schemas outDir=./generated
CLI Options (either file or dir must be included)
| Option | Default | Description | |--------|---------|-------------| | file | | .graphql schema file to generate from | | dir | | Directory to find .graphql files to generate from | | outDir | ./generated | Directory to write generated files to | | format | ts | Output format. Valid options = ts/js | | contextPath | ../context | Override with custom context type. Currently must include field connection: Connection. Note: path must be relative to generated root directory. |
Example usage code
See src/cli.ts
Example outputs
Located within folders generatedTS and generatedJS.
- Handle resolvers as normal vs connections. (Naming convention? New directive? Either?)
- Finish adding/handling EntitySchemaOptions (indices, etc...)