A set of tools to help you build a GraphQL Gateway using remote schemas and schema stitching.
A set of tools to help you build a GraphQL Gateway using remote schemas and schema stitching.
A higher order helper for creating a merged schema. It makes it easy to compose a schema, by providing methods to add remote schema endpoints, local GraphQL schemas, partial type definitions, and multiple resolver functions.
const schemaGenerator = new SchemaGenerator()
// Create a remoteExecutableSchema by specifying the endpoint address
await schemaGenerator.registerEndpoint({uri: 'http://myendpointaddress/graphql'})
// Create a remoteExecutableSchema by specifying endpoint adddress and introspection schema:
await schemaGenerator.registerEndpoint({uri: 'http://myendpointaddress/graphql', introspectionSchema: myIntrospectionSchema})
// Create a remoteExecutableSchema by passing in an ApolloLink instance
await schemaGenerator.registerEndpoint({link: myApolloLink})
// Create a remoteExecutableSchema that uses an Authorization bearer token
await schemaGenerator.registerEndpoint({uri: 'http://myendpointaddress/graphql', authenticationToken: 'ey.......'})
// Add a schema
schemaGenerator.registerSchema(schema: myGraphQLSchema)
// Add a type definition
schemaGenerator.registerTypeDefinition(typeDefs: myTypeDefinitionString)
// Add a resolver function
schemaGenerator.registerResolver(resolverFunction: myResolverFunction)
// Generate the merged schema
const mySchema = schemaGenerator.generateSchema()
See the examples folder for a complete example (coming soon).
If you add an Interface Types to your merged schema, you have to manually add the __typeName
field to your resolvers. This helper function makes it easy to do so.
// Assuming you have created a remote schema mySchema with types Car and Boat
const typeDefs = `
interface Verhicle {
maxSpeed: Float
extend type Car implements Vehicle { }
extend type Boat implements Vehicle { }
extend type Query {
allVehicles: [Verhicle]
const schema = mergeSchemas({
schemas: [mySchema],
resolvers: mergeInfo => ({
Query: {
allVehicles: {
async resolve(parent, args, context, info){
const newInfo = addTypeNameField(info)
const cars = mergeInfo.delegate('query', 'allCars', args, context, info)
const boats = mergeInfo.delgate('query', 'allBoats', args, context, info)
return [,]
addFields(mergeInfo: MergeInfo, fields: Array<FieldNode | string>)
A generic helper for adding fields to the resolveInfo, by passing in a fieldName, or a complete FieldNode.
const myField: FieldNode = { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'myField' } }
const anotherField: 'anotherField'
addFields(mergeInfo, [myField, anotherField])