GraphQL Code Generator plugin to generate freezed classes from your GraphQL schema
GraphQL Flutter Freezed Classes
This project aims to speed up your development of Flutter apps by generating Freezed from your GraphQL schema.
- [x] Generate Freezed classes for ObjectTypes
- [x] Generate Freezed classes for InputTypes
- [x] Support for EnumsTypes
- [x] Support for custom ScalarTypes
- [x] Support freeze documentation of class & properties from GraphQL SDL description comments
- [x] Ignore/don't generate freezed classes for certain ObjectTypes
- [] Support arguments
- [] Support directives
- [] Support deprecation annotation
- [] Support for InterfaceTypes
- [x] Support for UnionTypes union/sealed classes
- [x] Merge InputTypes with ObjectType as union/sealed class union/sealed classes
Using the CLI
ffc generate -s schema.graphql --scalars '{"jsonb": "Map<String, dynamic>","timestamptz": "DateTime", "UUID": "String"}' -m 'Create$Input' -m 'Update$Input' -m 'Upsert$Input' -m 'Delete$Input'
Given the following GraphQL schema below
# schema.graphql
type Movie {
id: ID!
title: String!
input CreateMovieInput {
title: String!
input UpsertMovieInput {
id: ID!
title: String!
input UpdateMovieInput {
id: ID!
title: String
input DeleteMovieInput {
id: ID!
enum Episode {
type Starship {
id: ID!
name: String!
length: Float
interface Character {
id: ID!
name: String!
friends: [Character]
appearsIn: [Episode]!
type Character {
name: String!
appearsIn: [Episode]!
type Human implements Character {
id: ID!
name: String!
friends: [Character]
appearsIn: [Episode]!
starships: [Starship]
totalCredits: Int
type Droid implements Character {
id: ID!
name: String!
friends: [Character]
appearsIn: [Episode]!
primaryFunction: String
union SearchResult = Human | Droid | Starship
# tests
scalar UUID
scalar timestamptz
scalar jsonb
# cyclic references/nested types
input AInput {
b: BInput!
input BInput {
c: CInput!
input CInput {
a: AInput!
type ComplexType {
a: [String]
b: [ID!]
c: [Boolean!]!
d: [[Int]]
e: [[Float]!]
f: [[String]!]!
g: jsonb
h: timestamptz!
i: UUID!
Generated file
// app_models.dart
// with lowercaseEnums: true
enum Episode {
@JsonKey(name: "EMPIRE") empire,
@JsonKey(name: "JEDI") jedi,
@JsonKey(name: "NEWHOPE") newhope,
// with lowercaseEnums: false
enum Gender {
class AInput with _$AInput{
const factory AInput({
required BInput b
}) = _AInput;
factory AInput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$AInputFromJson(json);
class BInput with _$BInput{
const factory BInput({
required CInput c
}) = _BInput;
factory BInput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$BInputFromJson(json);
class CInput with _$CInput{
const factory CInput({
required AInput a
}) = _CInput;
factory CInput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$CInputFromJson(json);
class ComplexType with _$ComplexType{
const factory ComplexType({
List<String?>? a,
List<String>? b,
required List<bool> c,
List<List<int?>?>? d,
List<List<double?>>? e,
required List<List<String?>> f,
Map<String, dynamic>? g,
required DateTime h,
required String i
}) = _ComplexType;
factory ComplexType.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ComplexTypeFromJson(json);
// TODO: Merge InputTypes with ObjectType as union/sealed classconst
class Movie with _$Movie {
const factory Movie({
required String id,
required String title,
}) = _Movie;
const factory Movie.createInput({
required String title,
}) = _CreateMovieInput;
const factory Movie.upsertInput({
required String id,
required String title,
}) = _UpsertMovieInput;
const factory Movie.updateInput({
required String id,
String title,
}) = _UpdateMovieInput;
const factory Movie.deleteInput({
required String id,
}) = _DeleteMovieInput;
factory Movie.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$MovieFromJson(json);
// Without mergeInputs
class Movie with _$Movie{
const factory Movie({
required String id,
required String title,
}) = _Movie;
factory Movie.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$MovieFromJson(json);
class CreateMovieInput with _$CreateMovieInput{
const factory CreateMovieInput({
required String title,
}) = _CreateMovieInput;
factory CreateMovieInput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$CreateMovieInputFromJson(json);
class UpdateMovieInput with _$UpdateMovieInput{
const factory UpdateMovieInput({
required String id,
String? title,
}) = _UpdateMovieInput;
factory UpdateMovieInput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$UpdateMovieInputFromJson(json);
class UpsertMovieInput with _$UpsertMovieInput{
const factory UpsertMovieInput({
required String id,
required String title,
}) = _UpsertMovieInput;
factory UpsertMovieInput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$UpsertMovieInputFromJson(json);
class DeleteMovieInput with _$DeleteMovieInput{
const factory DeleteMovieInput({
required String id,
}) = _DeleteMovieInput;
factory DeleteMovieInput.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$DeleteMovieInputFromJson(json);
Getting started
Flutter Setup
Install freezed in your flutter project
Install json_serializable in your flutter project
Download your GraphQL schema in graphql format and place it at the root of your Flutter project
npm install -g graphqurl
gq <graphql-endpoint> --introspect > schema.graphql
# if your graphql endpoint requires authentication:
gq <graphql-endpoint> -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" --introspect > schema.graphql
Generator setup
Install the generator globally from npm
Generate your Freezed classes with the CLI
CLI Usage
Generate Freezed classes from your GraphQL Schema
ffc generate [-jeuEpOS -s <string> -o <string> -f <string> -i <string> -m <string> -c <string> -w <string|string[]|boolean|undefined> -T <number>]
| Options | Type Definition | Default values | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- | -------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| -s, --schema | string | optional | the path to the GraphQL Schema. Default: ./schema.graphql |
| -o, --output | string | optional | the full path of the output file. Default: ./lib/generated/app_models.dart
| -f, --fileName, --file-name | string | app_models | the name of the output file without the .dart extension. Appends/replaces the fileName in output option |
| -i, --ignore, --ignoreTypes, --ignore-types | string[] | [] | names of GraphQL types to ignore when generating Freezed classes |
| -j, --json, --fromJsonToJson, --from-json-to-json | boolean | true | generate fromJson and toJson methods on the classes with json_serialization |
| -e, --enum, --lowercaseEnums, --lowercase-enums | boolean | true | make enum fields lowercase |
| -u, --union, --unionConstructor, --union-constructor | boolean | true | generate empty constructors for Union Types |
| -m, --merge, --mergeInputs, --merge-inputs | string[] | [] | merge InputTypes of a pattern with an ObjectType as a union/sealed class |
| -c, --scalars, --customScalars, --custom-scalars | string | optional | a JSON.stringify object map of custom Scalars to Dart built-in types |
| -w, --watch | string|string[]|boolean | optional | regenerate when GraphQL schemas changes. Accepts a boolean or an array of glob patterns |
| -E, --errorsOnly, --errors-only | boolean | optional | print only errors |
| -p, --usePolling, --use-polling | boolean | optional | poll for changes when watch is unavailable on system |
| -T, --interval | number | optional | poll every x millisecond |
| -O, --overwrite | boolean | true | overwrite files if they already exist |
| -S, --silent | boolean | optional | suppress printing errors when they occur |
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