An object agnostic authorization layer for javascript
An object agnostic authorization layer for javascript. Features both a promise (recommended) and callback api for checking permissions.
account.grants(User, 'admin', function(user) {
return (user.role === 'admin' || this.owner_id ===
user.can('admin', account).then(function(user) {
// .. the user is allowed to admin
}).catch(function(e) {
// .. the user is not allowed to admin
Sometimes granting access between different objects gets hairy. You have edge cases and lots of ways that permissions can work and things end up being quite a mess.
Granted looks to simplify all of that, taking inspiration from projects like can can in ruby, it defines a few simple methods on an object, allowing us to reliably determine whether one object can perform an action on another.
Let's look at a simple example, say we have three objects, SuperUser
, User
and Document
We want a document to be managed by any SuperUser
, but only to a User
if they have
a "role" of "admin", or if they own the account. How would we do that?
First, we would define the granted permissions on the Account
var doc = new Document({owner_id: 2, title: 'My Secret Account'});
// Allow any "authenticated" user to read the document.
doc.grants(User, 'read', function(user) {
return user.isAuthenticated();
// Allow SuperUsers to do anything to the document.
doc.grants(SuperUser, ['read', 'write', 'destroy'], true);
// Allow Users to do anything to the document if they're
doc.grants(User, ['read', 'write', 'destroy'], function(user) {
// Check that the user's ID matches with the owner_id of the document
return === this.get('owner_id')
// Allow anyone to read the metadata about an document, unless the
// object contains an is_robot flag.
doc.grants('readMeta', function(obj) {
return obj.is_robot !== true;
Now, we can elsewhere call the can
method on the object we're checking
permissions on:
// Assumes `granted` has been mixed-in to each constructor
var su = new SuperUser();
var authed = new User({authenticated: true});
var user = new User({id: 2});
var visitor = new Generic();
var robot = new Generic({is_robot: true});
su.can('write', doc).then(function(su) {
// ..
su.can('destroy', doc).then(function() {
// ..
authed.can('read').then(function() {
// true, because the user has been authed.
visitor.can('write', doc).catch(function(e) {
// e instanceof granted.Errors.NotGranted
// or:
visitor.can('write', doc, function(e, visitor) {
// e instanceof granted.Errors.NotGranted
.grants([Constructor | predicate], name, predicate)
Grants the permission specified by name
, (or permissions, if name
is an array)
if the predicate
returns true, resolves with a successful promise, or