(DEPRECIATED) A Rails-inspired Express framework for Node
Only the following 'spin-offs' are updated:
- Grand Central Junction -- a simple Rails-inspired router built on top of Express.
- Grand Central Records -- a promise-based Node ORM/ActiveRecord library that can connect to MySQL, Postgres, and SQLite3. Allows chainable, raw or queueable queries.
(OLD) Grand Central Express
A modular Express framework for Node. Integrates the following libraries and features:
- Grand Central Junction -- a simple Rails-inspired router built on top of Express.
- Grand Central Pipeline -- an asset pipeline designed specifically for javascript concatenation and minimization.
- Command-line scaffold generator --
- Uses ejs view engine and LESS CSS compiling
- Uses Backbone.js for front-end framework
- ORM integration with either Grand Central Records, JugglingDB, or Node-ORM.
Make GCE ORM agnostic (able to use GCR, sequelize, JugglingDB)
Create 'mincer' branch to replace GCP (both?)
Testing for command-line interface
Testing for Express integration
Use glob for getting Models
When creating new app, don't overwrite package.json (extend it with required extras)
Use layouts in views/EJS rendering <%= yield %> (use mincer)
- render views partials within EJS
Command Line
- New Project
- Launch Server
- Generate Scaffold
- Generate Controller
- Generate Model
- Generate Backbone Scaffold
- Generate Backbone View
- Migrate
- Version
Command Line
gce new APP_NAME
Generates new app scaffolding.
# Make sure you're in the project folder already
$ mkdir project
$ cd project
$ gce new project
gce server | s | start | run
Starts Express server on port 3000. Use the -p option to change ports, and the -e option to change environments.
$ gce server
Grand Central Express server listening on port 3000
gce generate controller NAME [action action]
Generates a controller and associated routes with provided actions.
$ gce generate controller Company about team contact
create controller/company.js
gce generate model NAME [field:type field:type]
Generates a model with provided attributes.
$ gce generate model book title:string author:string
create models/Book.js
gce generate scaffold NAME [field:type field:type]
Generates a model with provided attributes and a RESTful JSON controller. Also generates client-side Backbone model & collection. The actions currently don't include update or destroy. These are coming once the custom ORM is built.
Pass -c to avoid creating Backbone scaffold.
$ gce generate scaffold animal name:string species:string -c
create models/Animal.js
create controllers/animal.js
update routes
gce [backbone | bb] [scaffold | model] NAME [field:type field:type]
Generates Backbone model and collection for given name and fields.
$ gce bb scaffold animal name:string species:string
create client/models/Animal.js
create client/collections/animalList.js
gce [backbone | bb] view NAME
Generates Backbone view.
$ gce bb view item
create client/views/itemView.js
gce migrate
[Not currently functional] Migrates and syncs your model schemas to the database. Use the -e option to change database environments.
gce version | v | -v
Gets your version of Grand Central Express.
See Grand Central Junction. Default routes file is /config/routes.js
, default controllers path is /controllers
Defined in the /models
folder, with capitalized names like Person.js
. The model is defined like so:
var Model = require('grand-central-express').Model;
module.exports = new Model({
name: "Person",
schema: {
name: String,
email: String,
admin: Boolean,
rank: Number
Methods, validations and relationships are still in development.
The default ORM is Grand Central Records, but can be quickly changed to JugglingDB or Node-ORM using the following steps:
- Change your dependency
to either'jugglingdb'
- In
, change...
Models are accessed in controllers: = function(req, res, models) {
var id = req.param('id');
models.Person.find(id, function(err, person) {
if (err) throw err;
Database connections are defined in config/db.json
. For whatever database you use, make sure to include the package (mysql, pg, sqlite3) in your dependencies.
"development": {
"adapter": "sqlite3",
"host": "",
"database": "db/development.sqlite3",
"username": "",
"password": ""
The template defaults to using SQLite3 files for both development and production.