Horizontal tree with weights and click functionality and data configuration. This chart takes maximum number of children to be shown,all other values will be clubbed together and shown as others.
A Horizontal reusable chart with weights, click functionalities and animations.
It takes input parameters hierarchial order, And if you add in html code(refer index.html).
This will allow you to change the order by dragging and dropping buttons on top of the chart.
You can pass in metric(any parameter within data provided)
ord_map allows you to send the mapping between parameters button names in UI and the data parameters.
Sizing(default: large) -> Size of the bubbles and links can be changed within ("small","medium","large") based on your screen resolution.
max_child(default: nothing) -> no.of maximum children you want to show in a level, if the children exists number(other data will be clubbed into one category and shown as others)
def_width, def_height -> can be passed in config. where as By default width and height will be taken from parent element, If not provided it takes 600 ,500 as width and height respectively.
margin can be sent in this format within config -> { top: 0, right: 10, bottom: 0, left: 10 }
separation(default:65)-> gap between node links can be decreased/increased with this value in config.
Authors and acknowledgment
Ushasree Ginne [email protected]
For open source projects.
Project status
Initial draft is published with all the features required. Enhancements will ve continued.