ambient civilians
GRAD Civilians
Spawn ambient civilians on the map.
- civilians patrol and drive around the country, alone and in small groups
- stop and raise their hands when threatened with weapons
- will panic and flee in firefights
- will move out of player's way when getting honked at
- civilian players will get hints as to what a "grad-civ" civilian would notice (like, being pointed at with a gun, told to go away by ACE interact, ...)
- Create a folder in your mission root folder and name it
. Then create one inside there and call itgrad-civs
. - Download the contents of this repository ( there's a download link at the side ) and put it into the directory you just created.
- Append the following lines of code to the
class CfgFunctions {
#include "modules\grad-civs\cfgFunctions.hpp"
Via npm
for details about what npm is and how to use it, look it up on
- Install package
:npm install --save grad-civs
- Prepend your mission's
with#define MODULES_DIRECTORY node_modules
- Append the following lines of code to the
class CfgFunctions {
#include "node_modules\grad-civs\cfgFunctions.hpp"
Usage Notes
To avoid micro lags / fps dips on the server, it is recommended to add a headless client (no configuration needed for that).
If that is not possible, civilian group size (looking at you, Ikraus 260!) as well as total population count should be kept small.
Civilians on separate islands can run into pathing problems. Avoid by creating exclusion zones.
Add the class cfgGradCivs
to your description.ext
. Use the following attributes to configure the module:
Attribute | Default Value | Explanation
autoInit | 0 | Toggles on automatic initialization of module on missions start (0/1). Keep this off if you want to use functions to set civs properties first.
automaticVehicleGroupSize| 1 | Allow vehicles to be filled according to capacity, ignoring initialGroupSize (0,1).
backpackProbability | 50 | Probability that a civilian will wear a backpack, in percent
backpacks | [] | All classnames of backpacks that civilians may wear.
civClass | "C_Man_1" | Unit class to use for spawning civilians
clothes | [] | All classnames of clothes that civilians may wear.
debugCivState | 0 | Toggles civ behavior debugging mode (0/1).
debugFps | 0 | Toggles fps monitoring mode (0/1).
enableInVehicles | 1 | Enable civilians in vehicles (0/1).
enableOnFoot | 1 | Enable civilians on foot (0/1).
exitOn | "" | Condition upon which grad-civs loops will stop.
faces | [] | All classnames of faces that civilians may have.
goggles | [] | All classnames of goggles that civilians may wear.
headgear | [] | All classnames of headgear that civilians may wear.
initialGroupSize | 3 | Initial group size for civilians, between 1..N . Value may be any valid parameter to the random
maxCivsInVehicles | 10 | Maximum number of civs in vehicles.
maxCivsOnFoot | 30 | Maximum number of civs on foot.
maxCivsResidents | 20 | Maximum number of civs that are residents, mostly doing their thing at home.
minCivUpdateTime | 2 | Spawn new civilians only if their beheviour states get updated at least every N seconds. NOTE: each frame only one civ gets updated. Example: With 40fps and minCivUpdateTime=2, not more than 80 civs will be alive at any given time. This setting is meant to prevent civs from becoming too unresponsive.
minFps | 40 | Spawn new civilians only if fps are at or above N . NOTE: the fps are taken from the machine that spawns the civs, which may be a HC.
onHeldUp | "" | Code to execute when civilian stops because a weapon is pointed at him. Passed parameters are: [civilian].
onKilled | "" | Code to execute when civilian is killed. Passed parameters are: [civilian,killer].
onSpawn | "" | Code to execute on civilian spawn. Passed parameters are: [civilian,vehicle (objNull if on foot)].
panicCooldown | [15,120,240] | Time it takes until a civilian relaxes after panicking (trivariate: [lowest, median, highest])
spawnDistancesInVehicles | [1500,6000] | Minimum and maximum distance to players that civilians in vehicles can spawn in.
spawnDistancesOnFoot | [1000,4500] | Minimum and maximum distance to players that civilians on foot can spawn in.
spawnDistancesResidents | [500, 1000] | Minimum and maximum distance to players that civilians living in houses spawn in.
vehicles | ["C_Van_01_fuel_F", "C_Hatchback_01_F", "C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F", "C_Truck_02_fuel_F", "C_Truck_02_covered_F", "C_Offroad_01_F", "C_SUV_01_F", "C_Van_01_transport_F", "C_Van_01_box_F"] | All classnames of vehicles that civilians may drive.
class CfgGradCivs {
autoInit = 1;
maxCivsOnFoot = 20;
maxCivsResidents = 30;
maxCivsInVehicles = 10;
spawnDistancesOnFoot[] = {1000,4500};
spawnDistancesInVehicles[] = {1000,4500};
debugCivState = 0;
debugFps = 0;
minCivUpdateTime = 3;
minFps = 35;
automaticVehicleGroupSize = 1;
exitOn = "";
onSpawn = "systemChat format ['%1 spawned', typeOf (_this select 0)];";
onHeldUp = "";
backpackProbability = 0.5;
clothes[] = {
headgear[] = {
faces[] = {
goggles[] = {
backpacks[] = {
custom activity
To let civilians break from their usual activity and do something else, you can use events:
This will make the civilian available to be given custom commands without interference from grad-civs:
["GRAD_civs_customActivity_start", [_civ], _civ] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
To end the custom activity and make the civ resume their normal stuff, fire another event:
["GRAD_civs_customActivity_end", [_civ], _civ] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
NOTE: this whole thing will NOT work while they are panicking.
All functions meant for use from outside sit in the /functions/api
Sets all clothes that civilians may wear. Overwrites cfgGradCivs
value. Effect is global.
[clothes] call grad_civs_fnc_setClothes
Parameter | Explanation ----------|----------------------------------------------------------- clothes | Array - All classnames of clothes that civilians may wear.
Sets all faces that civilians may have. Overwrites cfgGradCivs
value. Effect is global.
[faces] call grad_civs_fnc_setFaces
Parameter | Explanation ----------|--------------------------------------------------------- faces | Array - All classnames of faces that civilians may have.
Sets all goggles that civilians may wear. Overwrites cfgGradCivs
value. Effect is global.
[goggles] call grad_civs_fnc_setGoggles
Parameter | Explanation ----------|----------------------------------------------------------- goggles | Array - All classnames of goggles that civilians may wear.
Sets all headgear that civilians may wear. Overwrites cfgGradCivs
value. Effect is global.
[headgear] call grad_civs_fnc_setHeadgear
Parameter | Explanation ----------|----------------------------------------------------------- headgear | Array - All classnames of clothes that civilians may wear.
Sets all backpacks that civilians may wear and sets probability. Overwrites cfgGradCivs
value. Effect is global.
[backpacks,probability] call grad_civs_fnc_setHeadgear
Parameter | Explanation ------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------- backpacks | Array - All classnames of clothes that civilians may wear. probability | Number - Probability that civilian will wear a backpack. Default: 0.5.
Sets all vehicles that civilians may drive. Overwrites cfgGradCivs
value. Effect is global.
[vehicles] call grad_civs_fnc_setVehicles
Parameter | Explanation ----------|------------------------------------------------------------- vehicles | Array - All classnames of vehicles that civilians may drive.
Sets debug mode. Overwrites cfgGradCivs
value. Effect is global.
[debugCivState] call grad_civs_fnc_setDebugMode
Parameter | Explanation --------------|-------------------------- debugCivState | Bool - Debug mode on/off.
Used to manually initialize module. Has to be executed on all machines. Effect is local.
[] call grad_civs_fnc_initModule
[] remoteExec ["grad_civs_fnc_initModule",0,true]
Parameter | Explanation ----------|----------------------------------------------------------- headgear | Array - All classnames of clothes that civilians may wear.
Manually populates an area with civilians. These civilians count towards the maximum amount.
[area,amount,excludeFromCleanup,staticVehicles,staticVehiclesMax] call grad_civs_fnc_populateArea
Parameter | Explanation
area | Array / Object - Area array in format [a, b, angle, isRectangle]
or array of area arrays or gamelogic synchronzed to one or multiple triggers.
amount | Number - Amount of civilians to spawn.
excludeFromCleanup (optional) | Bool - Sets if these civilians will be excluded from cleanup when no players are near. (default: true)
staticVehicles (optional) | Bool - Sets if static vehicles will be created in the area. (default: false)
staticVehiclesMax (optional) | Number - Maximum amount of static vehicles to create. Actual amount is based on number of roads and houses in area.
Prevent civilians from entering an area.
known issues: pathing through area is not checked. To minimize that problem, define exclusionZones with large diameter.
[_trigger] call grad_civs_fnc_addExclusionZone;
- we're using the CBA state machine implementation, see
- if you add states or transitions, please update the DOT files in
- which is where you'll find the compiled SVG files, too.
- install Graphviz and generate them using
dot -Tsvg states.gv > states.svg
or use an online editor
state stot wot?
worry not, here comes a friendly introduction:
CBA state machine for dummies
what are state machines
A state machine is a construct made of states and transitions between states. It can be visualized very easily as a directed graph with nodes (states) and edges (transitions). The state machine gets fed with a bunch of entities that inhabit the states. It periodically checks the states and moves the entities along the transitions from one state to the next.
how do they look like with CBA
Let's have a very simple example:
MY_CIV_LIST = ["C_Offroad_01_F" createVehicle position player];
_machine = [{MY_CIV_LIST}] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_create;
_state_init = [_machine, { diag_log "init"; }, { diag_log "onEnter_init" }, { diag_log "onExit_init" }] call grad_civs_fnc_addState;
_state_stuff = [_machine, {diag_log "wörk" }, {diag_log "onEnter_wörk"}, {}] call grad_civs_fnc_addState;
_transition = [_machine, _state_init, _state_stuff, {CBA_missionTime > 30}, {diag_log "changing state" }] call grad_civs_fnc_addTransition;
this will print something like this to RPT:
# … (until CBA_missionTime > 30)
changing state
# …
how do we use them
In our case, and with CBA state machines, that means:
- we have a bunch of state machines, chief of which is the activities state machine. It is implemented in
- states are added to it using grad_civs_fnc_addState .
- every state has a bunch of callbacks that are called with a civilian as parameter
- one is called periodically as long as the civ is in the state
- one is called when the civ enters the state
- one is called when the civ leaves the state
- every state has a bunch of callbacks that are called with a civilian as parameter
- transitions are being added by using grad_civs_fnc_addTransition (or fnc_addEventTransition for transitions triggered by CBA events)
- every transition is defined as a one-way connection between two states
- every transition gets two callbacks
- one is called periodically to check whether a civ can move along the transition
- the second is called once when the civ actually makes the transition
- The state machine can get big quickly.
- The callbacks should not execute code directly, but execute in separate functions:
- states in
- transitions in
- states in
- this makes for easier Profiling using the Arma Script Profiler
- and reduces file size for
- The callbacks should not execute code directly, but execute in separate functions:
what it looks like
This is the current structure (plz update when you change anything!):