A strip of tabs of govil-strip-content-base
a set of tabs that any tab is a govil-strip-content-base
How to use
Clone this repo to your local computer, then run:
npm install && npm run build
You can now import govil-strip-content-tabs
as a normal package installed from npm like so:
import StripTabs from 'govil-strip-content-tabs';
You can also import the type definitions if you're using TypeScript like so:
import StripTabs, { TabsComponentModel } from 'govil-strip-content-tabs';
Available props/state Models
export interface TabsComponentModel {
tabs: Array<TabStrip>,
interface TabStrip {
title: string,
stripContent: ComponentModel
interface StateModel {
selectedTab: ComponentModel,
selectedTabIndex: number
//imported from govil-strip-content-base
interface ComponentModel {
title: string
subTitle: string
description: string //html
links: Array<LinkableTitle>
contentId: string //for accessibility
role: string //for accessibility
labelledby: string //for accessibility
resources: {
collapseTitle: string,
expandTitle: string,
//imported from 'govil-links'
interface LinkableTitle {
title: string,
url: string,
isInternal: boolean
To customize this component, pass ComponentModel to the tabs
// your-component.tsx
import StripTabs, { TabsComponentModel } from 'govil-strip-content-tabs
//for demo
import { ComponentModel } from 'govil-strip-content-base
const StripGContentDemo: ComponentModel = {
title: 'the main title',
subTitle: 'sub title',
description: "<p>this can be html</p>",
links: [{ title: "link#1", url: "#1", isInternal: true },
{ title: "link#2", url: "#2", isInternal: true },
{ title: "link#3", url: "#3", isInternal: true },
{ title: "link#4", url: "#4", isInternal: false }],
contentId: 'some_content',
role: "tabpanel",
labelledby: 'tab_of_some_content',
resources: {
collapseTitle: 'see less',
expandTitle: 'see more'
const StripTabsDemo: TabsComponentModel = {
tabs: [{ title: 'tab#1', stripContent: StripGContentDemo },
{ title: 'tab#2', stripContent: {...StripGContentDemo} },
{ title: 'tab#3', stripContent: { ...StripGContentDemo } }]
StripTabsDemo.tabs[1].stripContent.description = '<p>This is my description with <b>bolded text</b> and no dangerous stuff</p>';
StripTabsDemo.tabs[2].stripContent.description = '<p>Description with <b>bold</b> and <script>alert(1)</script> script->alert() test</p>';
<StripTabs {...StripTabsDemo} />
This component was built for the benefit of the citizens of Israel on behalf of the government, but of course also for the benefit of the OpenSource community and freely published in npm