Isolated channel communication for gotti.js
Just like how I redid my messenger project, I wanted to refactor the old centurm-channels project to promote custom protocols, now all messaging functions take arrays as parameters and will send them over the network flatly. It appends its own protocols at the end of your array which works very efficiently and allows you to design your own protocols starting from index 0.
The back channel now fires off an onClientMessage as well as an onMessage for messages that were sent without the client flag.
They will look like
client = new Client('test_client');
// link to channel first
await client.linkChannel('test_channel');
// then set it as processor (not async any channel can start processing any client data, it's really just a ping to let the back channel know)
// now you can send messages
client.sendLocal(['protocol', 'data', 'moreData', 'moreMoreData']);
// over on the back channel you receive them like -
onClientMessage((clientUid, message) => {
console.log(clientUid) // 'test_client'
console.log(message[0]) // 'protocol'
console.log(message[1]) // 'data'
console.log(message[2]) // 'moreData'
console.log(message[3]) // 'moreMoreData'
console.log(message[4]) // 'test_client'
the string at index 4 was appended by the front channel when sending the message across. This is so the back channel knows to run the onClientMessage and you can hook into it and run logic on the client with whatever protocols you define.