File manager for developers features included Get Files, Upload Files, Download Files, Search Files and File Type Conversion
Node Js file management npm package - +get, +upload, +download, +search by filename, [-search by context], +file type conversion features
File Conversion +--+--+--+--+--+ | From | To | +--+--+--+--+--+ | doc | pdf | +--+--+--+--+--+ | docx | pdf | +--+--+--+--+--+
Contact Developer on [email protected] for file conversion apiKey.
Install npm package
npm install gost-file-manager
import {gostUpload, gostPdfToText, gostDownload, gostGetAllFiles, gostSearchFiles, gostFileConversion} from 'gost-file-manager'
//upload file
var fileName = 'abc.jpg'
const upload = await gostUpload(files.input[0].filepath, './public/uploads/' + fileName)
// (filePath, pathToSave/WithFileName.Extension)
// output
// Success: { fileUpload: true, status: 200, Message: 'Uploaded Successfully' }
// Failed: { fileUpload: false, status: 500, Message: Error Message }
//Convert PDF to Text
const pdf2text = await gostPdfToText(files.input[0].filepath, './public/uploads/abc.txt')
// (filePath, pathToSave/WithFileName.Extension)
// output
// Success: {pdfToText:true, status:200, Message:'Converted Successfully'}
// Failed: {pdfToText:false, status:500, Message:Error Message}
//Convert DOC to Text
const doc2text = await gostDocToText(files.input[0].filepath, './public/uploads/abc.txt')
// (filePath, pathToSave/WithFileName.Extension)
// output
// Success: {docToText:true, status:200, Message:'Converted Successfully'}
// Failed: {docToText:false, status:500, Message:Error Message}
//download file
//It returns promise object so use await keyword for the result.
const download = await gostDownload('https://example.com/documents/document1.pdf', './public/uploads/document1.pdf')
// (fileUrl, pathToSave/WithFileName.Extension)
// output
// Success: { fileDownload: true, status: 200, message: 'Downloaded Successfully' }
// Failed: { fileDownload: false, status: 500, Message: Error Message }
//get all files from folder
const getAllFiles = await gostGetAllFiles(folderPath)
// (folderPath)
//search files in the folder
const searchFiles = await gostSearchFiles(folderPath, keyWord)
// (folderPath, fileNameToSearch)
// getAllFiles & searchFiles Output
// {
// file: 'Invoice-20y.pdf',
// path: '.\public\uploads\Invoice-20y.pdf',
// size: '64.39 KB',
// type: 'file',
// created: '10-10-2023 15:10:24',
// modified: '03-08-2023 10:08:00',
// accessed: '10-10-2023 15:10:74'
// },
// {
// file: 'abs',
// path: '.\public\resumes\abs',
// size: '0 Bytes',
// type: 'folder',
// created: '10-10-2023 18:10:90',
// modified: '10-10-2023 18:10:70',
// accessed: '10-10-2023 18:10:99'
// }
//File Conversion doc or docx to pdf
// Contact Developer for apiKey @ [email protected]
const convert = await gostFileConversion(
'doc or docx',
'./public/uploads/' + DateTime + hours + minutes + seconds + '.pdf', apiKey
// (filePath, convertFromMimeType, convertToMimeType, pathToSave/WithFileName.Extension, apiKey)
// {
// status: 200,
// converted: true,
// message: 'File Converted Successfully!'
// }
Developer Contact gost at [email protected]{P}