Single page app hosting with zero trouble.
Single page app hosting with zero trouble.
# It's this easy to host your own website.
$ npm i -g gost-cli
$ gost -p path/to/my/webpage.html
Checking if file exists and is in HTML format...
File found, Checking for HTML syntax errors...
-- HTML file is valid --
⚠️ Would you like to test your single page app or host it on the server? ( self/server ): server
Initiating connection to host server...
URL: https://gost.martiaforoud.repl.co/gost/my_gost_app.html
What is gost?
Gost is a service for you to host single page applications without any effort. Just run a single command to publish your gost app to the cloud.
How does it work?
Gost uses an HTTPS server to host a php application that saves
Why am I rate limited?
Gost uses a really small system to limit the submission rate to 2 seconds between submits. If you try to submit your website between those two seconds, You get rate limited.
- Make sure the latest version of NodeJS and NpmJS are installed on your system.
- Open your command line.
- Run
sudo npm i gost-cli -g
to install gost. - Now gost is installed on your system, Type in
gost --version
and press ENTER to verify. - Run
gost /path/to/file
to host your file. - Gost will check for HTML errors and will ask you to host on local server or the HTTP server.
- If you chose
:- The URL
will open in your browser. - When you are done, Press
Ctrl + C
to exit.
- The URL
- If you chose
:- Gost will initiate a connection to the gost server. If it is successful, You will be rewarded with a text saying
Published on remote server, URL: http://some-url.com/your-page
- If it failed, Gost will retry up to 5 times.
- If it still fails after that 5 times, You will get this error message
Error: Failed to connect to server and deploy site
and the program will quit.
- Gost will initiate a connection to the gost server. If it is successful, You will be rewarded with a text saying
- Thanks reading until the end, Have fun and goodbye!