hongik univ gosrock band React UI components
:bulb: Getting started
- add dependency
npm install gosrock-storybook
- how to use
import { GoBackButton } from 'gosrock-storybook';
// need to add css file Don't forget
import 'gosrock-storybook/dist/gosrockStyle.css';
function App() {
return (
<GoBackButton primary={true} label={'asdf'}></GoBackButton>
:books: Document
we are make our components in story book. So if we add some components you can find document and example of useage in storybook.
check our stories and document via github page :arrow_right::arrow_right::arrow_right: storybook url
:full_moon_with_face: how we work?
we are using husky to add custom git hook and prettier the code, commitlint to validate commit msg and using commitizen to easy commint
see .husky file pre-commit , prepare-commit-msg , commit-msg shell command
:smoking: How to contribute
step 1.
- clone the repo (who member of @gosrcok)
npm install -g commitizen
// you sholud install commitizen to use git cz command
npm install
step 2.
- work around with story book
npm run storybook
step 3.
- commit with commitizen
git add .
git commit
if you type git commit
than commitizen automatically come out and choose type of change.
step 4.
- I need package my output.
:bangbang: we are using semantic-release to deploy npm package with github action.
so you need to keep angular commit message convention
if you want to upgrade the version than add commit message with in ["fix" , "feat" , "perf"]
- include
-> upgrade version 0.0.1 - include
-> upgrade version 0.1.0 - include
-> upgrade version 1.0.0
see the below meaning of the commit msg.
see how does it works in semantic-release document
| Commit message | Release type |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| fix(pencil): stop graphite breaking when too much pressure applied
| ~~Patch~~ Fix Release |
| feat(pencil): add 'graphiteWidth' option
| ~~Minor~~ Feature Release |
| perf(pencil): remove graphiteWidth option
BREAKING CHANGE: The graphiteWidth option has been removed.
The default graphite width of 10mm is always used for performance reasons.
| ~~Major~~ Breaking Release (Note that the BREAKING CHANGE:
token must be in the footer of the commit) |
if push or merge event occur in main branch ( see .github/workflows) than semantic-release-action is see all commit msg to deploy automatically version upgrade.