The GoPersonal SDK for React Native allows you to capture user behavior, display personalized content based on their interactions, and implement push notifications.
Gopersonal React Native SDK
The GoPersonal SDK for React Native allows you to capture user behavior, display personalized content based on their interactions, and implement push notifications.
First, install the GoPersonal SDK for React Native:
npm install gopersonal-react-native-sdk
Importing and Initializing the SDK
To start using the SDK, import it into your project and initialize it with your client ID and client secret.
import SDK from 'gopersonal-react-native-sdk';
// Initialize the SDK
await SDK.init('BR-your-client-id', 'your-client-secret', { debug: true });
Core Functionality
User Login
Log in a user to the SDK:
await SDK.login('customer-id', { additionalData: 'value' });
User Logout
Log out the current user:
await SDK.logout();
Perform a search query and get results:
const searchResults = await'search query');
Get Content
Retrieve personalized content by content ID:
const content = await SDK.getContent('content-id');
Retrieve Net Promoter Score content:
const npsContent = await SDK.getNPS();
Add Interaction
Capture user interactions to enhance personalization:
await SDK.addInteraction('view', { someData: 'value' });
Add Interaction State
Add a state to the interaction flow:
await SDK.addInteractionState('stateKey', { transactionId: 'uniqueId' });
Open Impression
Mark an impression as opened:
await SDK.openImpression('impressionId');
Push Notifications
Initialize Firebase
Set up Firebase for push notifications:
await SDK.initializeFirebase();
Request Notification Permission
Request permission to send notifications (required for iOS):
const permissionGranted = await SDK.requestNotificationPermission();
Get Firebase Token
Retrieve the Firebase token for the device:
const token = await SDK.getFirebaseToken();
Send Token to Backend
Send the Firebase token to your backend:
await SDK.sendTokenToBackend(token);
Handle Incoming Messages
Set up a listener for incoming messages when the app is in the foreground:
const unsubscribe = SDK.onMessage(async remoteMessage => {
console.log('Received foreground message:', remoteMessage);
// Handle the message
Handle Notification Opened App
Set up a listener for when a notification opens the app from the background:
SDK.onNotificationOpenedApp(remoteMessage => {
console.log('Notification opened app from background state:', remoteMessage);
// Handle the notification
Check Initial Notification
Check if the app was opened from a notification when it was in a quit state:
const initialNotification = await SDK.getInitialNotification();
if (initialNotification) {
console.log('App opened from quit state by notification:', initialNotification);
// Handle the initial notification
Complete Example
Here's a comprehensive example of how to use the GoPersonal SDK in a React Native application:
import SDK from 'gopersonal-react-native-sdk';
import { useEffect } from 'react';
const App = () => {
useEffect(() => {
const initializeSDK = async () => {
try {
// Initialize the SDK
await SDK.init('BR-your-client-id', 'your-client-secret', { debug: true });
// Log in the user
await SDK.login('customer-id', { additionalData: 'value' });
// Perform a search query
const searchResults = await'search query');
console.log('Search Results:', searchResults);
// Retrieve personalized content
const content = await SDK.getContent('content-id');
console.log('Content:', content);
// Capture a user interaction
await SDK.addInteraction('view', { someData: 'value' });
// Set up push notifications
await SDK.initializeFirebase();
const permissionGranted = await SDK.requestNotificationPermission();
if (permissionGranted) {
const token = await SDK.getFirebaseToken();
await SDK.sendTokenToBackend(token);
SDK.onMessage(async remoteMessage => {
console.log('Received foreground message:', remoteMessage);
SDK.onNotificationOpenedApp(remoteMessage => {
console.log('Notification opened app from background state:', remoteMessage);
const initialNotification = await SDK.getInitialNotification();
if (initialNotification) {
console.log('App opened from quit state by notification:', initialNotification);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error initializing SDK:', error);
}, []);
return (
// Your React Native components go here
export default App;