Google Ads (AdWords, DFP, DDP) client library for Node.js
Google Ads Node.js Client Library
This project hosts the Node.js JavaScript client library for the various SOAP-based Ads APIs at Google.
It is built for Node.js starting from version v0.12.x
upward and uses native Promises.
The client library facilitates interacting with the following Google Ads APIs:
- Distributed via npm.
- Powerful and customizable SOAP traffic logging via Winston.
- Automatic handling of SOAP headers.
- Easy management of OAuth 2.0 credentials, authentication, and session information.
- Node.js
and upward. - Access to the particular APIs by following the particular sign-up instructions (AdWords / DFP)
>$ npm install googleads-nodejs-lib --save
Getting Started
// Include the relevant parts of the library
var adWords = require('googleads-nodejs-lib').adWords;
// Initialize the CustomerService for customer 123-456-7890
adWords.CustomerService('123-456-7890').then(function(customerService) {
// Get basic customer details
return customerService.getCustomers();
}).then(function(result) {
// Display the result
console.log('Result', JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
}).catch(function(err) {
// Handle potential errors
Upon the very first request, the library will prompt you to authenticate via a Web browser using
OAuth 2.0 for Installed Applications.
Copy and paste the obtained code from the browser window in the command line
and all future requests will take care of authentication automagically.
If you need to re-authenticate, simply delete the file .oauth
that will be created after the first request.
You can tweak some settings by modifying settings.json
as outlined in the comments below.
"DEBUGGING": true, // Flag that turns debugging output on or off
"SOAP_TRAFFIC": true, // Flag that turns SOAP traffic logging on or off
"SOAP_ERRORS": true, // Flag that turns SOAP error logging on or off
"SOAP_HEADERS": true, // Flag that turns SOAP header logging on or off
"PLAIN_TEXT": true // Flag that turns SOAP plain text logging on or off
"DFP_NETWORK_CODE": 4061, // Network code to use for DoubleClick, defaults to 4061
"USER_AGENT": "Google Ads Node.js Client Library" // User agent to use for requests
Announcements and Updates
For API and client library updates and news, please follow our Google+ Ads Developers page and our Google Ads Developers blog
Support Forum
If you have questions about the client library or the APIs, you can ask them on our forums:
- AdWords API Forum
- DoubleClick for Publishers API Forum
- DoubleClick for Advertisers API Forum
- DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer API Forum