Takes the embed URL for a Google Slides presentation and outputs array with an SVG for each slide
Google Slides Downloader
Simple module that lets you work with and download SVGs from a Google Slides presentation's raw html. It also identifies embedded transition effects, which lets you incorporate these into your application.
getHtml(url, callback)
accepts a url and a callback the raw html from a url is passed into the callback, node style
converts an html string to a collection using htmlparser and traverses the collection and gets the svg elements from it using the htmlTraverser returns array of svgs not async so simply returns result
getSvgsFromUrl(url, callback)
accepts a url and a callback an array of the svgs on an url location is passed into the callback, node style
converts an html string into a collection using htmlparser then traverses the collection and gets the IDs of the elements inside the svgs that have effects on them returns an array of one array for each page in the presentation: each subarray is the list of IDs with effects on that page ids include everything including if slide transitions have effects
getEffectsFromUrl(url, callback)
from a url of a google slides, an array of arrays (one per page in presentation) with IDs of the svg elements with effects on them is passed into the callback, node style
accepts an html and returns an array of arrays (one per page in presentation) with ids of the svg elements with effects on them, ordered by effect sequence ids only include element effects, not slide transition effects
getElementEffectsFromUrl(url, callback)
accepts a url and a callback an array of arrays (one per page in presentation) with ids of the svg elements with effects on them, ordered by effect sequence, is passed into callback, node style ids only include element effects, not slide transition effects