A simple way to access Google Sheets with named and unnamed ranges
A simple way to access Google Sheets with named and unnamed ranges
Breaking changes
Version v0.3.0 onwards use a different syntax for the require
Version v1.0.0 is first release version.
const { Sheet, Range } = require('google-sheets-simple');
Please note
This library is a simplified interface to the Google APIs Node.js Client and currently only uses the Service to Service Authentication method.
The full API can be found here. This library currently only supports the basic essentials.
The design behind this module is that you wish to get or put a
particular range of cells. It works best with a named range but
equally will work with a range described by Sheet1!A1:D15
. You
can get all the cells in the range or set some of the cells, clearing
out the rest of the range.
All methods return promises.
npm install google-sheets-simple
// This assumes you have set the environment variable
// GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to point at a service account file
const { Sheet } = require('google-sheets-simple');
const sheet = new Sheet(<sheet_id>);
.then(() => {
const data = <some two-dimensional array>;<named range>, data);
.then(() => {
sheet.get(<another range>);
.then((array) => {
// array contains a two-dimensional array of the cell values
This is simply called with the id of the spreadsheet. The id can
be obtained from the URL in a browser. It is the part between /d/
This library assumes that you have set up GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
correctly and that the service account has access to the
spreadsheet. The scope used is
const { Sheet } = require('google-sheets-simple');
const sheet = new Sheet(<sheet_id>);
initialise (or initialize)
This is required before any other method is called. It sets up the authentication and populates spreadsheet information into the class. It returns a promise and you should wait for the promise to resolve before making any other calls. The promise resolves with the full spreadsheet data from the API. This can usually be ignored.
await sheet.initialise();
This should be passed a range. All ranges may be passed either as a
named range (Data ⇒ Named ranges
) or in the format Sheet1!A1:C20
Please note that when using A1 ranges, the sheet name is currently
required, even if there is only one sheet. Using named ranges is
highly recommended.
The second parameter is optional and defaults to ROWS
. The alternative
and describes how the data should be retreived. The data
returned will be a two-dimensional array.
data = await sheet.get('named_range', 'ROWS');
This should be passed a range, as in get()
above. The second
parameter is the data as a two-dimensional array and the optional
third defaults to 'ROWS' (see above).
If the data does not fill the range given, the remaining rows will
be cleared. If ROWS
is passed, the cleared space is everything
from the last row provided to the bottom of the range. If COLUMNS
is provided, each column is cleared from the bottom of the data in
that column to the bottom of the range.
The response is the raw response data from the API.
await'named_range', dataArray, 'ROWS');
This should be passed a range, as in get()
above. The range
will be cleared.
The response is the raw response data from the API.
await sheet.clear('Sheet2!A3:J50');
This should be passed a range, a two-dimensional array is in save()
above and a third parameter defaulting to 'ROWS'. The range should describe
the top part of a table.
The data passed will be appended to the table, even though the table
extends below the range. It is usual with append()
only to pass
a single row of data to be appended but please remember that it still
needs to be a two-dimensional array.
await sheet.append('named_range', [ rowDataArray ]);
Any issues
Please report any issues or comments at Github issues. PRs and suggestions are very welcome.