A more powerfully custom version of the Google Maps Javascript API built for React. Multiple Datalayer support. GEOJSON Enabled.
version 1.1.31
A new approach to the google maps api using react.
To install npm install google-react-maps
Things you can import:
import {
} from 'google-react-maps';
Using the map is fairly simple. Most commonly you would set it up like this:
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
api-key='your api url'
onMount={(map, maps) => { = map; //Store the google map instance for custom actions. (Outside the react components.)
this.maps = maps; //Store a reference to the google maps javascript api in case we need some of it's helper methods.
optionsConstructor={function(maps) {
//Options Constructor always has a this context of the options object. To override the default options do the following:
Object.assign(this, {
zoom : 4,
mapTypeId : maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
disableDefaultUI: true,
zoomControl : true,
zoomControlOptions : {
position: maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_CENTER
keyboardShortcuts : true,
panControl: true,
panControlOptions : {
position : maps.ControlPosition.BOTTOM_RIGHT
mapTypeId : maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID,
mapTypeControl : true,
mapTypeControlOptions : {
position: maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_BOTTOM
fullscreenControlOptions : {
position: maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_BOTTOM
fullscreenControl: true
//Any components passed as children get the maps and map props passed to them.
See main.js inside the git project to understand how to implement everything. (Uncomment some components to see everything)
To run the dev mode... webpack-dev-server
after doing a npm install
##General Goals
So, the general goals for this project would be to see:
- A truly component driven google maps api integration into react in which each component is a black-box (or not completely library interdependent). In theory, a component could be just as easily added to a "non-react or partial-react" implementation of Google maps.
- A useful mapping of react components that reflects the powerfully layered nature of the google maps api. (See layers)
- A specifically engineered DataLayer component that maps to and edits any GeoJSON object in the react way. (state + action => new state) The DataLayer is a key for this project because we want specific control over minute pieces of a GeoJSON object.
Contributing Rules
- You are welcome to contribute!
- I will approve all changes that fit within the vision for this project. Make sure that you do not try to add specific-to-you changes that don't help enhance the general project.
- I will handle versioning and npm. We use Semver
Below are the list of things we need to get done. They don't necessarily need to happen in order.
For v2.0.0:
- Add ability for icons to change size depending on map zoom-level. (For instance when zoomed way out, I would like the icon to be slightly bigger than when zoomed all the way in.) See this section of the google docs
- Add all possible GeoJSON shapes to the DataLayer component. (Polygon is the only implemented one right now.)
- Create all Shape components. See Shapes
- Add a CustomOverlay class/component that allows us to do things similar to InfoWindows but with completely custom styles. See Custom Overlays <---- Started this. First iteration done!
- Finish documenting exisiting features.
- Create a wiki for documenting here on github.
- Create example files and folders.
- Create testing environment and test components using mochajs or some other good framework. (My bad for not starting this as test driven.)