Analyze with PageSpeed Insights. Get your PageSpeed score and use PageSpeed suggestions to make your web site faster.
Analyze with PageSpeed Insights. Get your PageSpeed score and use PageSpeed suggestions to make your web site faster. Using google-pagespeedinsights you can get the page speed report as json output for multiple urls.
You can get an API key from Google Developers Console.
Run the below command on your terminal to install google-pagespeedinsights.
npm i google-pagespeedinsights
How to use google-pagespeedinsights
Create a sample file with object, and the object contians the required parameter url and key for page speed. Rest of the parameters are optional. Click Here to see the sample file for test.
const psi = require('google-pagespeedinsights');
options = {
urls: [
apiVersion: "v5",
strategy: "mobile"
List of parameters
Required query parameter
url < string >
The URL to fetch and analyze
Optional query parameters
category < string >
A Lighthouse category to run; if none are given, only Performance category will be run
Acceptable values are:
- accessibility
- best-practices
- performance
- pwa
- seo
locale < string >
The locale used to localize formatted results
strategy < string >
The analysis strategy (desktop or mobile) to use, and desktop is the default
Acceptable values are:
- desktop: Fetch and analyze the URL
for desktop browsers - mobile : Fetch and analyze the URL
for mobile devices
utm_campaign < string > Campaign name for analytics.
utm_source < string > Campaign source for analytics.
If successful, this package will returns a response body with the following structure: Click Here to see the sample json output.
"captchaResult": string,
"kind": "pagespeedonline#result",
"id": string,
"loadingExperience": {
"id": string,
"metrics": {
(key): {
"percentile": integer,
"distributions": [
"min": integer,
"max": integer,
"proportion": double
"category": string
"overall_category": string,
"initial_url": string
"originLoadingExperience": {
"id": string,
"metrics": {
(key): {
"percentile": integer,
"distributions": [
"min": integer,
"max": integer,
"proportion": double
"category": string
"overall_category": string,
"initial_url": string
"lighthouseResult": {
"requestedUrl": string,
"finalUrl": string,
"lighthouseVersion": string,
"userAgent": string,
"fetchTime": string,
"environment": {
"networkUserAgent": string,
"hostUserAgent": string,
"benchmarkIndex": double
"runWarnings": [
"configSettings": {
"emulatedFormFactor": string,
"locale": string,
"onlyCategories": (value),
"onlyCategories": (value)
"audits": {
(key): {
"id": string,
"title": string,
"description": string,
"score": (value),
"score": (value),
"scoreDisplayMode": string,
"displayValue": string,
"explanation": string,
"errorMessage": string,
"warnings": (value),
"warnings": (value),
"details": {
(key): (value)
"categories": {
(key): {
"id": string,
"title": string,
"description": string,
"score": (value),
"score": (value),
"manualDescription": string,
"auditRefs": [
"id": string,
"weight": double,
"group": string
"categoryGroups": {
(key): {
"title": string,
"description": string
"runtimeError": {
"code": string,
"message": string
"timing": {
"total": double
"i18n": {
"rendererFormattedStrings": {
"varianceDisclaimer": string,
"opportunityResourceColumnLabel": string,
"opportunitySavingsColumnLabel": string,
"errorMissingAuditInfo": string,
"errorLabel": string,
"warningHeader": string,
"auditGroupExpandTooltip": string,
"passedAuditsGroupTitle": string,
"notApplicableAuditsGroupTitle": string,
"manualAuditsGroupTitle": string,
"toplevelWarningsMessage": string,
"scorescaleLabel": string,
"crcLongestDurationLabel": string,
"crcInitialNavigation": string,
"lsPerformanceCategoryDescription": string,
"labDataTitle": string
"analysisUTCTimestamp": string,
"version": {
"major": integer,
"minor": integer