## Changelog 2.6.8
Google Maps Wrapper
Changelog 2.6.8
Fixed issue where drawing cancellation flag was not reset when starting a new drawing.
Changelog 2.6.6
Fixed react peer dependency version.
Changelog 2.6.5
Fixed invalid cutting mode return type.
Changelog 2.6.3
Fixed bugs which prevented entering cutting mode.
Fixed applying styles when starting drawing mode.
Changelog 2.6.2
Fixed cancelCuttingMode
so it cancels the drawing and also removes the drawn shape.
Changelog 2.6.0
function now returns the cut shapes.
Changelog 2.5.3
Exporting simplify
Changelog 2.5.2
Exporting GMW_AllMapObjEvents
Changelog 2.5.1
Exporting GMW_GeoJSONFeature
and GMW_GeoJSONFeatureCollection
Changelog 2.5.0
Exporting interfaces.
Changelog 2.4.0
Added places
to services.
Changelog 2.3.0
Added verbose
property to WrappedMapBase, defaults to false. It silences some non-critical errors such as deleting non-existing map objects.
Changelog 2.2.0
Added getBounds()
to exported funcs, returns google latlng bounds.
Added setBounds()
to exported funcs, takes latlng bounds or latlng bounds literal.
Fixed types for getServices()
Changelog 2.1.0
Added getServices()
to exported funcs.
Changelog 2.0.0
Added getClusterers()
, setClasturer()
, unsetClusterer()
and CreateClustererStyle()
functions. These functions are the basis for clustering. Use setClusterer to create and register a clusterer with the map, unsetClusterer to remove it. These funcs are primarily a way to interact with the gmaps clusterer.
Also removed all class components. This required breaking api changes. See TypeScript definitions for updated api.
Changelog 1.3.0
Added map.fitToBoundsLiteral()
function which will move and zoom the map to contain the bounds.
Changelog 1.2.0
Added map.getBoundsLiteral()
function which returns the current map bounds in LatLngBoundsLiteral format.
Changelog 1.1.3
Fixed bug where options were not correctly saved on initial creation of Markers, Polylines and Polygons.
Changelog 1.1.2
Fixed bug in detection if invalid options_id is supplied to Feature.applyOptions(options_id)
Changelog 1.1.1
Added detection if invalid options_id is supplied to Feature.applyOptions(options_id)
Changelog 1.1.0
Added Feature.zoomTo()
and Feature.panTo()
Also extended panToObject(item)
and zoomToObject(item)
functions to also accept Features.
Changelog 1.0.1
Fixed error in Feature.applyOptions()
Changelog 1.0.0
Updated API for managing options:
- Polygons, Markers and Polylines now takes a set of options objects, one of which must be keyed
. EX:setPolyline("my_id", my_options_set)
. Example options_set:
default: {
path: ...,
strokeWeight: 4,
fillOpacity: 0.3
strokeOpacity: 0.5
hover: {
strokeOpacity: 1
highlight: {
fillOpacity: 0.8
strokeOpacity: 1
- Each WrappedMapObject has a new function
. This function takes the default options and extends with whatever other options are specified. EX:polyline.applyOptions('hover')
would applydefault
with strokeOpacity of 1.
Added support for adding GeoJson features and GeoJson feature collections:
setGeoJSONFeature(feature, feature_options_set)
setGeoJSONFeatureCollection(feature_collection, feature_options_set)
Changelog 0.3.1
Fixed error in helper function convertFromArrayOfCoords
and other functions dependant on it.
Changelog 0.3.0
Exporting helper functions from root. No need to initialize a map instance to access them.
Changelog 0.2.1
Fixed invalid check for cutting mode when removing objects.
Changelog 0.2.0
Added panTo and zoomTo functionality for map objects. Added panToObject(object) and zoomToObject(object) functionality to map.
Changelog 0.1.0
Added support for numeric ids.