This is an easy way to consume the Google Maps Image API to render static maps or street views
#google-maps-image-api ##google-maps-image-api~BASE_URL Allows you to easily consume the Google Maps Image API.
Google Maps Image API allows you to get static images of a 2d map or streetview.
This module will return a promise or you can call it via a callback.
The callback will return an error (if an error occured) and and HTMLImageElement.
Options passed in correlate to properties you can pass to Google Maps Image API.
Here are parameter's you can pass through opts to render a static map:
//// REQUIRED ////
type: 'staticmap', // This value is required if you want to render a static map
center: '40.714728,-73.998672', // This will be the center of your image.
// It can also be a street address
//// OPTIONAL ////
key: 'your api key', // Your Google API Key
zoom: 14, // This will be how zoomed in the map will be. 0 is where you
// can see the entire world, 21 is where you see streets. 14 is default
size: '320x240', // This is the pixel size of your map. Default 320x240
scale: 1, // This property is meant for rendering maps with high pixel
// resolutions eg. iphone 4+ is retina this value should be set to 2
format: 'JPEG', // Possible valuse 'PNG', 'GIF', 'JPEG',
maptype: 'roadmap', // What type of map you want to render
// 'roadmap', 'satellite', 'hybrid', and 'terrain'
language: 'en', // Language in which you want the map to be rendered
region: 'us', // Country code in: ccTLD. defines the appropriate borders to display,
// based on geo-political sensitivities
markers: 'color:blue|label:S|11211|11206|11222',
// Add markers to the map. For docs:
path: 'color:0x0000ff|weight:5|40.737102,-73.990318|40.749825,-73.987963',
// Add a path to the map. A path can be filled or just a line. For docs:
visible: 'Toronto', // you can specify locations that should be visible on the
// rendered map. This can be either lat,long or a location name
style: 'feature:administrative|element:labels|weight:3.9|visibility:on|inverse_lightness:true',
// this property will change how features are rendered eg. roads, parks, etc.
// For docs:
Here are the parameters you'd pass in to render a streetview:
//// REQUIRED ////
type: 'streetview',
location: 'Toronto', // Location name or long,lat.
// if you ommit location you must define pano
pano: 'pano id', // An id for a specific panorama. If you omit
// you must define a location
//// OPTIONAL ////
key: 'your api key', // Your Google API Key
size: '320x240', // The size of your render in pixels
heading: 45, // This is the compass heading which the camera is pointing at
// between 0 and 360. 0 == North
fov: 90, // field of view expressed in degrees. (angle which determines how much you see)
// default is 90
pitch: 0, // up down angle the camera is pointing at. 90 is straight up and -90 is straight down
- opts
- These are options that will be used to render streetview and map images - callback
- Optionally you can use a callback over a promise. See above for details
Scope: inner member of google-maps-image-api
Returns: Promise
- A promise is returned which will return an HTMLImageElement