This is a simple command line application that allows you to use the Google Books API to search for books and construct a reading list.
This is a simple command line application that allows you to use the Google Books API to search for books and construct a reading list. This application was created using Node.js to utilize colorful text and interactive packages for a better user experience.
Try the app
npx google-books-finder-command-line-app
Or if you would like run a clone
clone the github repository
cd into directory
run npm i
run node index.js
Technologies/APIs Used
- JavaScript
- Google Books API
Packages Used
chalk | inquirer | nanospinner
- Users may search for a book via title, author, subject, or title and author and will obtain a list of 5 books matching their query.
- Each search result item will include the book's title, author and publishing company if found.
- Users may save the books into their own local, personalized "Reading List".
- Users may view their "Reading List".
The text template I first started with templates for each of the different "views" that the user will see in the terminal. Clearing the console before rendering each view was a design choice made to simplify and clean up the UI for the user. Main Menu
Welcome to Google Books Finder Command Line App
Please choose an option below
- Search for a book by title
- Search for a book by author
- Search for a book by subject
- Search for a book by title and author
- View my reading list
I opted to allow 4 different ways to search for books given Google Book API's query parameters after determining the common ways people would opt to search for a book. Since only 5 options are returned, the fourth option (searching by title and author) was included to allow for more specifity if the user is looking for a particular book.
Searching view
Search By Book <option>
What is the <option> of the book? (input)
No results error handling view
No results found! Please try a different query.
// prompt user to query again
Results view
Would you like to add any to your reading list?
1. <Title> by <Author(s)> published by <Publisher>
2. <Title> by <Author(s)> published by <Publisher>
3. <Title> by <Author(s)> published by <Publisher>
4. <Title> by <Author(s)> published by <Publisher>
5. <Title> by <Author(s)> published by <Publisher>
Reading List error handling view
Your reading list is empty! Redirecting you to the main menu...
// redirect user to main menu
Reading List view
Your reading list:
1. <Title> by <Author(s)> published by <Publisher>
2. <Title> by <Author(s)> published by <Publisher>
Handling options and input using inquire code snippets Utilized async functions to handle promises with await.
export async function mainMenu() {
const options = [
"Search for a book by title",
"Search for a book by author",
"Search for a book by subject",
"Search for a book by title and author",
"View my reading list",
const choice = await inquirer.prompt({
name: "Main Menu",
type: "list",
message: "Please choose an option below",
choices: options,
// convert user input into an index of options
let index = options.indexOf(choice["Main Menu"]);
return index;
export async function searchByTitle() {
const res = await inquirer.prompt({
name: "title",
type: "input",
message: "What is the title of the book?",
return res.title;
Handling the reading list Utilized JavaScript class and class functions to manage the list
export class ReadingList {
constructor() {
this.readingList = [];
async show() {
console.log("Your reading list:"));
// display each item in the reading list
this.readingList.forEach((item, i) => {
console.log(`${i + 1}.${item}`);
const res = await inquirer.prompt({
name: "return",
type: "input",
message: "Press Enter to return to main menu",
// return only if user presses Enter
return res.return;
isEmpty() {
// true if list is empty, false if not
return this.readingList.length === 0;
async addBooks(booksAdded) {
// deconstruct the array
const [books, titles] = booksAdded;
// add each book to the reading list
books.forEach((book) => {
if (books.length === 0) {
// if the user opted to add no books
console.log("No books were added to your list.");
} else if (books.length === 1) {
// user added one book, singular
console.log(`${titles} was added to your list.`);
} else {
// user added multiple books, plural
console.log(`${titles} were added to your list.`);
// prompt user for next actions
const options = ["View my reading list.", "Return to main menu."];
const option = await inquirer.prompt({
name: "next",
type: "list",
message: "What would you like to do next?",
choices: options,
Potential future features
- Enable user login to save local reading lists even after exiting the application
- Enable searching through reading list