Microservice framework
Goodly is an unopininated microservice communication framework. It manages the low-level queing so you can focus on the important stuff: handling events.
Goodly has several design goals:
- Create a simple programming interface for event-based microservices.
- Support scale-out of individual services -> add more instances of the service and work will automatically be distributed between the instances.
- Support addition of new services -> add as many services as you need.
- Supports large-event transmission between services -> send data through the broker, http, tcp, udp, protocol buffers, etc.
Goodly doesn't tell you the best way to structure you app, it gives you a set of tools and lets you build on-top of RabbitMQ. Goodly manages the AMQP exchange creation, queue creation, and messaging routing creation. It does all this to provide a simple interface for building your application that will automatically scale.
Made for coding
How easy it is to use? Create a service in a few lines of code...
import goodly from 'goodly';
const service = goodly({ name: 'documents' });
// start the service
service.start({ brokerPath: 'ampq://' });
// listen for an event and do something
service.on('document.uploaded', async ({ data, emit }) => {
// do something with the data
let document = await saveDocumentAsync(data);
// emit another event
emit('document.available', document);
With the above code, you could start a single instance or 1000 instances. The work will be distributed between your instances automatically.
Service Methods
Promise start({ brokerPath, concurrent)
Starts the service and if necessary creates all exchange and queues owned by the service. Once start is complete, the service will immeidately begin pulling work from the service queue.
- string brokerPath - host of RabbitMQ
- int concurrent - the number of open messages that will be concurrent consumed
Promise stop()
stops the service and disconnects from RabbitMQ
Promise emit(path, data, options)
Emits a message with the specified path and data. Emit does not expect a response and is equivalent to pub/sub actions.
- string path - name of the event to send
- any data - the data that will be send that could be a buffer, string, int, float, bool, array, object, or error
Promise request(path, data)
Makes a request with the specified path and data. Request will block until a response is received.
- string path - name of the event to send
- any data - the data that will be send that could be a buffer, string, int, float, bool, array, object, or error
Promise on(path, fn1, fn2, ...)
Adds a handler to the service for supplied path. The supplied functions will be executed in order of attachment.
- string path - name of the event to listen for
- fn handler - a handler for the event
Handlers are called with an Event
object. The Event
object contains several methods and pieces of data:
- any data - the data that will be send that could be a buffer, string, int, float, bool, array, object, or error
- correlationId - the UUID mapping to a unique origin event
- msg - the raw RabbitMQ message
- emit - calls the emit method on the service but uses the supplied correlationId for the incoming event
- reply - replys to a message that is a Request/Response message