A library of fixes for the giant mistake that is Javascript
A standard library of tools missing from JavaScript. Works for any ECMA Script runtime (2016 or later).
import DateTime from "[email protected]/date.js"
import { zip, enumerate, count, permute, combinations, wrapAroundGet } from "[email protected]/array.js"
import { intersection, subtract } from "[email protected]/set.js"
import { stats, sum, spread, normalizeZeroToOne, roundedUpToNearest, roundedDownToNearest } from "[email protected]/math.js"
import { capitalize, indent, toCamelCase, digitsToEnglishArray, toPascalCase, toKebabCase, toSnakeCase, toScreamingtoKebabCase, toScreamingtoSnakeCase, toRepresentation, toString, regex, findAll, iterativelyFindAll, escapeRegexMatch, escapeRegexReplace, extractFirst, isValidIdentifier, removeCommonPrefix, didYouMean } from "[email protected]/string.js"
import { generateKeys, encrypt, decrypt, hashers } from "[email protected]/encryption.js"
import { deferredPromise, recursivePromiseAll } from "[email protected]/async.js"
import { Event, trigger, everyTime, once } from "[email protected]/events.js"
import { recursivelyOwnKeysOf, get, set, hasKeyList, hasDirectKeyList, remove, merge, compareProperty, recursivelyIterateOwnKeysOf } from "[email protected]/object.js"
import { deepCopy, deepCopySymbol, allKeyDescriptions, deepSortObject, shallowSortObject, isGeneratorType,isAsyncIterable, isSyncIterable, isTechnicallyIterable, isSyncIterableObjectOrContainer, allKeys } from "[email protected]/value.js"
import { iter, next, Stop, Iterable, map, filter, reduce, frequencyCount, zip, count, enumerate, permute, combinations, slices, asyncIteratorToList, concurrentlyTransform, forkBy } from "[email protected]/iterable.js"
import { parseCsv, createCsv } from "[email protected]/csv.js"
import { BinaryHeap } from "[email protected]/binary_heap.js"
import { parseArgs } from "[email protected]/flattened/parse_args.js"
How to use
Use intellisense, view the docs, or take a look at the tests for how to use
- 1st number is API overhaul
- 2nd number is breaking change
- 3rd number is new (backwards compatible) feature
- 4th number is patch/bugfix