A versatile caching and state management solution for JavaScript applications. Offers serverless, session, and cookie-based caching with support for encryption, compression, and auto-optimization. Provides a Jotai-like API for seamless integration. Handle
A versatile and efficient caching and state management solution for TypeScript and JavaScript applications. goobs-cache features multiple storage options, encryption, compression, and flexible data management across different environments.
- Multiple storage options:
- Serverless caching with LRU strategy
- Client-side storage (cookies and session storage)
- Two-layer caching: Automatically syncs between serverless and client-side storage for optimal performance and offline capabilities.
- Cross-environment support: Works seamlessly in both client-side and server-side environments.
- Unified state management: Provides functionality similar to React's useContext and useState.
- Enhanced security: Implements AES-GCM encryption for data protection.
- Optimized storage: Utilizes compression to reduce storage footprint.
- TypeScript support: Offers strong typing for improved developer experience.
npm install goobs-cache
Or using yarn:
yarn add goobs-cache
Basic Usage
Here's a simple example of how to use goobs-cache:
import { serverless, session, cookie, twoLayer } from 'goobs-cache';
// Two-layer caching (automatically syncs between serverless and client-side)
await twoLayer.update('userProfile', 'userStore', { name: 'Alice', age: 28 });
const userProfile = await twoLayer.get('userProfile', 'userStore');
console.log(userProfile); // { name: 'Alice', age: 28 }
// Serverless caching
const serverlessAtom = serverless.atom('serverData', 'dataStore');
await serverlessAtom.set('Hello, Serverless!');
const serverValue = await serverlessAtom.get();
console.log(serverValue); // 'Hello, Serverless!'
// Client-side caching (session storage)
const sessionAtom = session.atom('Hello, Session!');
const [sessionValue, setSessionValue] = session.useAtom(sessionAtom);
console.log(sessionValue); // 'Hello, Session!'
setSessionValue('Updated Session Value');
// Client-side caching (cookies)
const cookieAtom = cookie.atom('cookieData', 'cookieStore');
await cookieAtom.set('Hello, Cookies!');
const cookieValue = await cookieAtom.get();
console.log(cookieValue); // 'Hello, Cookies!'
// Removal
await twoLayer.remove('userProfile', 'userStore');
await serverlessAtom.remove();
await cookieAtom.remove();
// Clearing all caches
await twoLayer.clear();
await serverless.clear();
await cookie.clear();
// Updating configuration
Advanced Features
goobs-cache offers advanced capabilities for complex use cases:
- Two-layer caching: Automatically synchronizes data between serverless and client-side storage, providing seamless offline capabilities and improved performance.
- Automatic client-side caching: When using the serverless mode on the client-side, data is automatically cached in session storage for faster subsequent access.
- Flexible storage options: Choose between twoLayer, serverless, session, and cookie modes to best suit your application's needs.
Configure goobs-cache using a .cache.config.ts
file in your project's root. Here's a comprehensive example:
import { CacheConfig, EvictionPolicy, LogLevel } from 'goobs-cache';
const cacheConfiguration: CacheConfig = {
serverless: {
cacheSize: 10000,
cacheMaxAge: 86400000,
persistenceInterval: 600000,
maxMemoryUsage: 1073741824,
evictionPolicy: 'lru' as EvictionPolicy,
prefetchThreshold: 0.9,
forceReset: false,
compression: {
compressionLevel: -1,
encryption: {
algorithm: 'aes-256-gcm',
encryptionPassword: 'your-secure-encryption-password-here-serverless',
keyCheckIntervalMs: 86400000,
keyRotationIntervalMs: 7776000000,
session: {
cacheSize: 5000,
cacheMaxAge: 1800000,
evictionPolicy: 'lru' as EvictionPolicy,
compression: {
compressionLevel: -1,
encryption: {
algorithm: 'aes-256-gcm',
encryptionPassword: 'your-secure-encryption-password-here-session',
keyCheckIntervalMs: 86400000,
keyRotationIntervalMs: 7776000000,
cookie: {
cacheSize: 1000,
cacheMaxAge: 604800000,
maxCookieSize: 4096,
evictionPolicy: 'lru' as EvictionPolicy,
compression: {
compressionLevel: -1,
encryption: {
algorithm: 'aes-256-gcm',
encryptionPassword: 'your-secure-encryption-password-here-cookie',
keyCheckIntervalMs: 86400000,
keyRotationIntervalMs: 7776000000,
global: {
keySize: 256,
batchSize: 100,
autoTuneInterval: 3600000,
loggingEnabled: true,
logLevel: 'debug' as LogLevel,
logDirectory: 'logs',
export default cacheConfiguration;
TypeScript Support
goobs-cache is written in TypeScript and provides comprehensive type definitions for a great developer experience.
goobs-cache is designed for high performance, with features like:
- Two-layer caching for optimal data access
- LRU caching strategy
- Compression to reduce data size
Security is a top priority in goobs-cache:
- AES-GCM encryption for data at rest
- Secure key management with regular key rotation
- Client-side encryption in browsers
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
goobs-cache is developed and maintained by Matthew Goluba.
For questions or feedback:
- GitHub Issues:
- Email: [email protected]
Elevate your data management strategy with goobs-cache!