# sprinf.js
sprintf: (pattern: string, entries: {[key: string]: string;}, mode?: "sloppy" | "neat" | "strict") => string;
it's nano-like template engine with two differences - I'm using /% %/ as delimiters for template keys and there is no way to pass nested properties like obj.some.prop.to.fill.some.place. Why /% %/? Because this is convenient way to use templates in js/ts code without breaking syntax. Look here:
import {sprintf} from 'gonzazoid.sprintf.js';
const generatePAC = function(_white_list: string[], proxy_host:string, checkURL: Function): string {
const white_list = JSON.stringify(_white_list);
function FindProxyForURL(url: string, host: string) {
var white_list = JSON.parse('/%whiteListSource%/');
var checkURL = /%checkURLSource%/;
return (checkURL as any)(url, host, white_list) ? 'DIRECT' : 'HTTPS /%proxyURL%/';
const entries:{[index:string]:string} = {
checkURLSource: checkURL.toString()
,whiteListSource: white_list
,proxyURL: proxy_host
return sprintf(FindProxyForURL.toString(), entries);
Pay attention to this line:
var checkURL = /%checkURLSource%/;
as you can see template does'n break js/ts syntax because js/ts interpreter (and linter) perceives this as valid code with regular expression.
Keep in mind - if you try to pass serialized object (via JSON.stringify) quotes escaping (if it's necessary) is on your responsibility.
there are three mode:
- sloppy (default) - replaces with entries[key] whether entry is present or not (if not - replaces with undefined)
- neat - checks if entry is present, if not - doesn't touch
- strict - checks if entry is present, if not - throws error
That's all! Enjoy!
P.S. as well as all my npm modules this module is strongly typed, feel free to use it with typescript.