A simple static url shortner hosted on github pages.
A simple static url shortner hosted on github pages. All the data is stored in the github repo. Private github repo is supported. External users without github repo access won't see the data.
Live demo
- Accessable all around the world
- http://go-l.ink/golink-intro
- http://go-l.ink/google
- http://go-l.ink/youtube/NasyGUeNMTs
- If you have dns installed.
The repo of package is located at http://go-l.ink/golink
The repo of live demo is located at http://go-l.ink/golink-demo
Why github pages
Github pages ~~is free~~ provides the easiest way to maintain a service with no cost (time or money).
This project is inspired by golinks.io. You can try it if a private Github Pages repo is not a requirement for you.
Quick Start
You need nodejs installed to start. It will bring you
Create a new
repo in github with{gitignore: Node}
Clone the repo, init with golink-gh-pages, and push back to github.
git clone git://github.com/yourorg/go.yourdomain.com cd go.yourdomain.com # npx will automatically download the golink init script in tmp folder. npx golink-gh-pages git add --all && commit -m "Init golink" git push origin master
Enable Github Pages on
with yourgo.yourdomain.com
domain.(Optional) Setup Circle CI workflow.
(Optional) Setup "go" TLD to enable go/link in the browser.
Simply npx serve docs
will simulate a github pages server on localhost 5000
port. npm run start
script will rebuild static entries first before serving
the sites. After server is started, open browser and navigate to
localhost:5000/google. You'll be able to see the
broswer is refreshing to google homepage.
Add your entry in entries.json
"new-link": "https://github.com/poigolink/golink.poi.dev/edit/master/entries.json",
"G": "https://www.google.com/",
"YT": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v="
Note the tailing slash "/" is important. It allows
to be translated tohttps://www.google.com/search?q=123
. Without tailing slash, it will becomehttps://www.google.comsearch?q=123
. You'll have to typego/g//search?q=123
Then rebuild the project. New static entries will be created in the docs folder.
npm build
npm start
Verify localhost:5000/yt/NasyGUeNMTs
In general, if more data is included in the query string. The golink will strip the key and append the remain query to the targeted location. (e.g. localhost:5000/google/search?q=poifuture will be translated to www.google.com/search?q=poifuture )
To make the golink useful in the real world, the following steps are recommended.
Enable Github Pages
Of course!
Open github.com -> your repo -> Settings -> GitHub Pages -> Source: master/docs
Private repo is okay.
Set up custom domain
The good choice is https://go.corp.example.com
. https setup would be good for
security reason. You can follow the
official GitHub Pages wiki
to set up your custom domain.
Set up short url
Usually, your dns provider allows you to set 301 redirect (a.k.a forwarding) for your apex domain. (also known as root zone, host "@", etc.). In our live demo, the forwarding is set from "http://go-l.ink/" to "https://golink.poi.dev" (hosted in our demo repo ). So that you can access your golink globalwide. Try go-l.ink/google
Set up continuous delivery
Security alert! If you use default setup, everyone would be able to push any commits as your identity to GitHub
Continuous delivery is used to build the entry when anyone is modifing
. By default, a Circle CI config is already provided in the repo.
All you need to do is enabling your repo in Circle CI and grant write/push
Again, the user key is dangerous. Check Circle CI docs for read/write repo key (deploy key) setup.
Grant Circle CI a user key at Circle CI -> Settings -> Permissons -> SSH Keys
Set up "go" TLD
This convinient setup will unlock your productivity significantly. You'll be
able to access the doc you remember in your brain by simply typing
in the browser. See a great document by
golinks.io. To achieve this, there are 3 options.
Option 1: Run a redirection server on everyone's port 80
To set up, simply run
npx golink-gh-pages install-local-dns https://go.yourdomain.com
If the setup is successful, open http://go/google will redirect to google. Next time, simply type go/ to your document without searching everywhere.
The installation will create "~/golink-local.js", a 3-line pure nodejs redirect server. Then add a startup registry to run this server at port 80. Finally, the installation will write a "go" TLD entry to, which allows the browser to redirect the "go" domain same as "localhost"
Option 2: Run a org wide redirection server at a static ip port 80
Since port 80 is required. It would bring extra maintainance effort for this server. AWS Elastic IP + AWS Lambda is probably a good setup.
Option 3: Run a org wide dns server
Not all dns server supports this setup
Simply add a CNAME from "go" TLD to yourorg.github.io Growing teams will gain other benefits from a private dns at the same time.
Config file is located at golink.config.json
. The following options are used
to configure the build process.
(default false
): Clear the entries that doesn't exist in
(default true
): Allow fuzzy match. Matches are case insensitive and
all symbols will be ignored. (e.g. go/MyGReatBLOg5
can hit the
(default false
): Generate jekyll front matters to do 301
redirection. This will improve the redirection performance in github pages. But
it doesn't pass the query string to the targeted site.
(default true
): Sort the entries every rebuild.
: The jump link when no path is provided.
golinks.io is a reliable SaaS platform to provide the golinks to advanced users.
Huge appreciation to Google internal golinks