A Command Line Interface to automatically download images, gif or video.
Dog food your hard drive in few types. Fetch images periodically from flickr and giphy.
You can let it run and feed a database with images.
This is mainly a devtool that should go on your Tool Belt.
- [x] fetch images
- [x] fetch gif
- [ ] fetch video
🌍 Installation
npm install -g gofetch
👋 Usage
$ gofetch
🐈 Fetch kitten images every second and save them to tmp:
$gofetch fetch kitten
🍌 Fetch bananas gif every second and save them to tmp:
$gofetch fetch bananas gif
Stoping bananas fetching:
$gofetch stop bananas
Getting help
gofetch$ help
help [command...] Provides help for a given command.
exit Exits application.
fetch [keyword] [type] [interval] [width] [height] [destination] Starts downloading media to a given <destination> folder.
You can provide the [type] of media you want to download (image or gif). The default value is 'image'
One medium is downloaded every [interval] seconds (minimum is 1).
You can provide a [keyword] to download media matching a specific subject. If not supplying any keyword, you will get media matching the keyword "kitten".
You can provide [width] and [height] to change the images size, default size is 320x240 (This only works for images).
stop <fetchName> Stop fetching specific named fetcher.
list List current fetcher.
⚙ Configuration
You can use a configuration which looks like:
"tmpDir": "/tmp",
"destinationPath": "/tmp/fetch-image",
"verbose": false,
"type": "image"
📦 Dependencies
- vorpal: allow to display an interactive cli
- request: allow to download the images
- standard-settings: allow for loading settings, and default settings
- fs-extra: allow to manipulate the file system
- mkdirp: allow to create a directory
🕳 Troubleshooting
Please add some relevant information to help troubleshoot.
❤️ Contribute
Please follow standard style conventions.
Enjoy !