Create a Discord RichEmbed from a GodEmbed text to use for "embed say" commands of your bots. Original posted by https://github.com/CamilleAbella (deleted/banned) & uploaded by me on npm and https://github.com/Ayfri on GitHub.
🕇 GodEmbed 🕇
Create a Discord RichEmbed from a GodEmbed text.
To use for "embed say" commands of your bot.
Go to documentation for details about usage.
When you type :
$title My Title
$description Hello World
You obtain :
npm i godembed
const toEmbed = require( "godembed" )
client.on( "message", message => {
if( !message.system || !message.channel ) return
if( message.content.startsWith( 'godembed' ) ){
const input = message.content.replace( 'godembed', '' )
const { embed, errors } = toEmbed( input )
// Or const output = toEmbed( input )
message.channel.send( embed )
// Or message.channel.send( output.embed )
if( errors.length > 0 ){
message.channel.send( errors.join('\n') )
// Or
// if( output.errors.length > 0 ){
// message.channel.send( output.errors.join('\n') )
// }
Little Text Example
Hey ! I'm a COMMENT in GodEmbed file (file.ge) because
I'm not between an opening tag and a closing tag/keyword \o/
(my indentation is conventional)
$author Ghom Krosmonaute
The "end" keywords are not mandatory but notament
recommended to be able to comment between two elements.
As for example for this title :
$title Voici le titre !
$thumbnail https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/0.png
$image https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/0.png
$url https://discordapp.com $end
As you can see, the requested arguments are
the same as for the RichEmbed constructor.
(excluding attachments anyway)
Unlike the "author" tag, the "description" tag only
takes a single argument of several lines.
Et biensûr la description qui comme
le titre peut faire plusieur lignes !
Sorry for the french content but I'm french so...
Colors can only be given in hexadecimal.
(Number form or hash String form)
$color #FF0000
$color 0xFF0000 $end
The timestamp can be defined by a Unix timestamp
or with a date recognized by Moment.js but
it can also be defined with "now" as above.
$timestamp now $end
The "and" keywords are needed to separate multiline arguments,
for example the "name" of a field and its multiline "text".
You can also write it like this: $&.
$field Titre du premier field $and
Texte du premier field
$field Titre du second field
Texte du second field
At the end of the file, it is optional to add an "end" keyword
because it is added automatically by the GodEmbed module.
$footer Texte du footer