Cliente para enviar correos, incluir attachments, guardar listas de distribución
Table of contents
Install with npm:
npm install gmailclient
Install with yarn:
yarn add install gmailclient <en desarrollo>
gmailclient is a module bundler. Its main purpose is to easily configure and use the Gmail email API. The package will be used to send emails using Gmail Google API services.
Using promises
const { Mail, Message } = require('gmailclient')
const mailClient = new Mail()
const groupConfig = {
"name": "test",
"from": "[email protected]",
"to": [
"[email protected]",
"cc": [],
"bcc": []
const {from, to, cc, bcc} = groupConfig;
const subject = "Subject Test";
const htmlBody = `<h1 style="color: #00cc00;">Hello World</h1>`
const message = new Message('html');
message.compose(from, to, cc, bcc, subject, htmlBody);
.then(res => {
.catch(err => {
Using async await
async function senMail() {
const {from, to, cc, bcc} = groupConfig;
const subject = "Subject Test";
const htmlBody = `<h1 style="color: #00cc00;">Hello World</h1>`
const message = new Message('html');
await message.compose(from, to, cc, bcc, subject, htmlBody);
await message.addAttachment('demo.txt');
await mailClient.send(message)
} catch(e) {
prerequisites: Before continuing with the following steps, it is important to generate and activate the Google Gmail API credentials in yourgoogle account
Note: add in your package.json scripts.
"scripts": {
Generate: execute.
npm run init-mail
Generate: Follow the steps.
Do you want to create a credential structure path? yes || no > - type yes to init credentials
Please enter gmail credentials [in json format] ? - enter google credentials downloaded from google account
ownload the confirmation code of: https://...... - copy and paste the url in the browser
Ingrese Codigo: - paste the confirmation code from the url
Note: Not all options are currently supported.