Interface for storing objects through HTTP, Pub-Sub or RPC
Glue - Store
Interface for storing objects through HTTP, Pub-Sub or RPC.
This can be used as a standalone library or micro service for storing data (objects) into RethinkDB from any number of sources.
Example: Using Logstash to centralise your logs into a RethinkDB database
To store your logs using Logstash you could configure Logstash it like so:
input {
file {
path => "/var/log/**/*.log"
start_position => beginning
ignore_older => 0
output {
rabbitmq {
exchange => 'message_bus'
exchange_type => 'topic'
key => ''
host => ''
Glue entry point
This is also the main entry point for Glue ecosystems. Every service in a way or another listens for object events on the message bus and performs additional operations accordingly. There are services that scan the objects and save the information collected, others that send texts or notifications if the stored object is recognised to be a message, others that logs everything that goes on between the users and the store.
To store objects there are many interfaces available:
a Pub-Sub API topic based over the topics,,,,;
an RPC API through the store_rpc queue, accepts create, post, put, patch, delete and get request;
a Javascript API for direct and quick access to the underlying methods.
The REST API accepts only application/json
content type when posting,
putting or patching objects.
Main methods:
POST /:objectDomain/:objectType
stores an object and sends a message with topic store.{domain}.{type}.{id}.inserted or store.{domain}.{type}.{id}.updated depending if the object is new or if it gets updated. The content of the message is the JSON encoded object. Use this when you don't want to specify the ID of the object or if you want it returned in the response.PUT /:objectDomain/:objectType/:objectId
stores an object and sends a message with topic store.{domain}.{type}.{id}.inserted or store.{domain}.{type}.{id}.updated depending if the object is new or if it gets updated. No message is sent if no change is made. The content of the message is the JSON encoded object. Use this if you already know the object ID.PATCH /:objectDomain/:objectType/:objectId
patches an object and sends a message with topic store.{domain}.{type}.{id}.updated. No message is sent if no change is made. This endpoint accept a list of actions to be executed on the requested object, for more information see Store.patchObject.
Other methods:
GET /:objectDomain/:objectType/:objectId
returns the requested object.DELETE /:objectDomain/:objectType/:objectId
deletes the specified object and sends a message with topic store.{domain}.{type}.{id}.deleted. The message contains the ID of the deleted object, JSON encoded.PUT /:objectDomain/:objectType
prepare for a new domain and/or type and sends a message with topic store.{domain}.{type}.type.created. The message contains a JSON encoded object with two properties, domain and type.
$ curl --request PUT \
$ curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"payload":"test payload mesage","counter":123}'
$ curl --request PUT \
--url \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"payload":"test payload mesage","counter":123}'
$ curl --request PATCH \
--url \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"items":[{"action":"update","patch":{"payload":"test payload mesage","counter":234}}]}'
$ curl --request DELETE \
--url \
--header 'content-type: application/json'
Pub-Sub API
Main methods:
PUBLISH ON *.{domain}.{type}
stores an object and sends a message with topic store.{domain}.{type}.{id}.inserted or store.{domain}.{type}.{id}.updated depending if the object is new or if it gets updated. The content of the message is the JSON encoded object. Use this when you don't want to specify the ID of the object or if you want it returned in the response.PUBLISH ON *.{domain}.{type}.{id}
stores an object and sends a message with topic store.{domain}.{type}.{id}.inserted or store.{domain}.{type}.{id}.updated depending if the object is new or if it gets updated. No message is sent if no change is made. The content of the message is the JSON encoded object. Use this if you already know the object ID.PUBLISH ON *.{domain}.{type}.{id}
patches an object and sends a message with topic store.{domain}.{type}.{id}.updated. No message is sent if no change is made. This endpoint accept a list of actions to be executed on the requested object, for more information see Store.patchObject.PUBLISH ON *.{domain}.{type}.{id}
deletes the specified object and sends a message with topic store.{domain}.{type}.{id}.deleted. The message contains the ID of the deleted object, JSON encoded.
To create a domain or type:
PUBLISH ON *.{domain}.{type}
prepare for a new domain and/or type and sends a message with topic store.{domain}.{type}.type.created. The message contains a JSON encoded object with two properties, domain and type.
const MessageBus = require('glued-message-bus').MessageBus,
mb = new MessageBus('amqp://localhost', 'glued_message_bus');
mb.connectModule(function (err, messageBusChannel) {
if (err) throw err;
messageBusChannel.publish('', {
artist: 'Led Zeppelin',
title: 'Stariway To Heaven'
messageBusChannel.publish('', {
artist: 'Led Zeppelin',
title: 'Whole Lotta Love'
messageBusChannel.publish('', {});
The store listens for RPC calls on the store_rpc
queue. Each request must contain:
the method, one in:
create to create a new type of object;
post to store a new object, if the object has an ID it will replace a previous object with the same ID if any;
put to store an object with a known ID;
patch to patch an existing object, check
for more information;delete to delete an object;
get to retrieve an object by ID;
the domain of the object;
the type of the object;
the id of the object, only for put, patch, delete and get requests;
the object to be stored, only for post, put and patch requests.
Check the Glue - Message Bus for an easy way of interacting between services through RPC.
JavaScript API
You can initialise the store yourself and use its public interface directly. The available methods are:
createType(domain, type, callback), to create a new object type;
storeObject(domain, type, document, callback), to store an object. If the object doesn't have an ID it'll get one once stored;
patchObject(domain, type, id, patch, callback), to patch an object. See inline documentation for more information;
deleteObject(domain, type, id, callback), to delete an object;
getObject(domain, type, id, callback), to retrieve an object;
diffObjects(a, b), computes the differences between object
and objectb
;equalObjects(a, b), checks if the two given objects,
are equal.
You can install this library using npm
$ npm install --save glued-store
To run the services you can install the module with the -g
flag and then run the
, glued-store-pubsub
and glued-store-rpc
$ npm install -g glued-store
$ glued-store-http
$ glued-store-pubsub
$ glued-store-rpc
The HTTP server will run by default on port 9210
. Both services will connect to
AMQP and RethinkDB on the local machine. To change these options you can use the
To change host and/or port for the HTTP service:
GLUED_STORE_PORT: the number of the port to use, default
;GLUED_STORE_HOST: the host to bind the server to, default
To change the configuration for AMQP and/or RethinkDB:
GLUED_AMQP: the URI of the AMQP server, default to
;GLUED_MESSAGE_BUS: the name of the AMQP exchange, default to
;GLUED_RETHINKDB: the path to a JS/JSON file holding the configuration for RethinkDB, default to an empty configuration
The above are inherited from Glue Common Utilities, check its documentation for more information.
$ GLUE_STORE_PORT=8080 GLUE_AMQP=amqp:// \
RETHINKDB=/path/to/rethinkdb.conf.json glued-store-http
$ GLUE_AMQP=amqp:// \
RETHINKDB=/path/to/rethinkdb.conf.json glued-store-pubsub
$ GLUE_AMQP=amqp:// \
RETHINKDB=/path/to/rethinkdb.conf.json glued-store-rpc
Run the tests with:
$ npm test
This software is distributed under MIT license.