Queensland Government SWE templates
This project is currently in progress.
Basic commands : - Make sure node and npm are installed. Check using node -v and npm -v commands. If not already installed then please install from this website node website - npm install to install all the node packages (If behind a corporate web proxy please have a look at this website How to setup Node.js and Npm behind a corporate web proxy) - gulp build command to create a build folder from the src folder files - gulp watch command to sync changes between the src folder and the build folder on saving the files - gulp clean:build command to remove the build folder before creating a new build folder - gulp release command to create a release folder from the build folder files. Please make sure to run the gulp build command before running the gulp release command - gulp clean:release command to remove the release folder before creating a new release folder
Directory structure : - src folder contains all the files of the projects. This is where developers will be making all the changes. - build folder is where developers will be pushing the changes from the src folder to test the files before they push it to the release folder. - release folder will be created from the build folder files and it will be the final version which will be deployed to the CMS.