The global-currencies npm package provides a comprehensive list of global currencies, including their names, symbols, and ISO 4217 codes. This package is designed for developers who need an easy and reliable way to access currency information for financia
Global Currencies
The ** global-currencies ** npm package provides a comprehensive list of global currencies, including their names, symbols, and ISO 4217 codes. This package is designed for developers who need an easy and reliable way to access currency information for financial applications, e-commerce platforms, or internationalization projects. Whether you're building a currency converter, a payment system, or simply need to display currency information, global-currencies offers a straightforward solution with up-to-date and accurate data.
- Complete list of world currencies,
- ISO 4217 currency codes,
- Currency symbols,
- Regular updates to ensure data accuracy,
npm i global-currencies
ES6 Module usage
import { Currency, ICurrency } from "global-currencies";
Timezone Request method
Here are all currency related methods.
Here field can be id or name. and sort always will be ascending
Region.getFiltedCurrencies(field, value, sort)
Here field can be id or name. value will be the value you are looking for. and sort always will be ascending
Example structure data
type: json | ICurrency
"code": "EUR",
"name": "Euro",
"name_plural": "euros",
"symbol": "€",
"symbol_native": "€",
"decimal_digits": 2,
"rounding": 0
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Buy me a Coffee
Hi! I'm Ujjwal Bera, I'm an open source enthusiast and devote my free time to building projects in this field.
I'm the creator and maintainer of MNodeJs and SNodeJs.
I'm doing my best to provide you a good experience when using my apps, so if you like what I'm doing and wish to say "thanks!", You can appreciate me or my hard work and time spent to create this helpful structure with buying me a coffee.
Bugs or improvements
Every project needs improvements, Feel free to report any bugs or improvements. Improvements requests are always welcome.
Who do I talk to?
This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.
Thanks to the open-source community for inspiring and contributing to the tools used in this project.