Weather Forecast Search Website
#Forecast Search
Forecast Search is a weather forecast search web application provide an interface to perform weather forecast search and share weather information to Facebook.
This web application has been deployed on Amazon Web Services(AWS):
##Applied Technology Stacks and APIs
The server side was built to provide RESTful web service for web and mobile applications using Node.js, which uses an efficient event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. ###jQuery
jQuery was applied on the front-end to validate inputs, manipulate HTML DOM, handle event and Perform Ajax.
###The Google Maps Geocoding API
The Google Maps Geocoding API was used to convert addresses (like "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA") into geographic coordinates (like latitude 37.423021 and longitude -122.083739).
The Dark Sky Forecast API provides the current and future weather infomation for a geoparphic coordinates.
###Facebook SDK for JavaScript
Facebook SDK for JavaScript helps adding Facebook Login and Feed on the client-side.
###OpenLayers API & OnpenWeatherMap API
OpenWeatherMap API provides precipitation and clouds weather map layers, which was used in OpenLayers.
Bootstrap was applied on front end to build a sleek, intuitive and mobile device friendly website interfaces.