A simple framework to interact with the Guilded API
GJSFrame is a modification of the DJSFrame library to work with guilded's API instead of discord's. DJSFrame is a rewrite of the discord.js commando framework for easy bot building. This modification is under heavy develpment. The main purpose of this library is to make bot building easy, by introducing a easy to use framework with built-in command handling, databases, and other features on the way.
Why did I make this?
I started developing discord bots a longer time ago. My favorite library was discord.js written in, well, JavaScript. I wrote quite a lot of bots, of which only one actually got published and was used (the bot is currently on ~30 servers). I started to work on an update for the bot, as I needed to fix bugs, add functions, etc. At that time I found out about discord.js's Commando framework. I learned it quite fast, and started to use it, because it was easy to use and modify to my needs. About a week later discord.js v13 was announced. One of their main changes was replacing commando with sapphire. They later wrote that commando was discontinued because they removed structures from discrd.js, which was one of the key building blocks of commando. They also said that the would have to rewrite the entire framework to make it work with v13. So that is where DJSFrame comes in. Since they didn't want to rewrite it, I decided to do it myself. I wrote a framework that very closely resembled commando and it's functionality. The main thing for me was to make it completely compatible with commando, that meant that if you already had a bot written using commando, you could install my library instead of commando and the bot would still work, even with new v13 stuff like slash commands, menus, buttons, threads, etc. DJSFrame is still not complete and not fully stable, however it is safe to use, and only rarely crashes. Well anyway I now have decided to modify this library to also work with Guilded. There are going to be some larger differences between the two frameworks, but I want to make it so that you can use your existing bot code now with guilded, without having to recode everything.